[Spice-devel] [NSIS 1/3] Add Windows 10 support
Yedidyah Bar David
didi at redhat.com
Tue Jan 24 08:16:19 UTC 2017
From: Christophe Fergeau <cfergeau at redhat.com>
This requires WinVer from nsis 3.01.
At the moment, the qxl-wddm-dod driver on the virtio-win ISO is not the
latest one from
Change-Id: I773e4b76bd896fcea074b8f32a1b0cff854841b5
Signed-off-by: Christophe Fergeau <cfergeau at redhat.com>
WinVer.nsh | 495 ------------------------------------------
ovirt-guest-tools-iso.spec.in | 4 +-
win-guest-tools.nsis | 11 +-
3 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 505 deletions(-)
delete mode 100755 WinVer.nsh
diff --git a/WinVer.nsh b/WinVer.nsh
deleted file mode 100755
index f7169f4..0000000
--- a/WinVer.nsh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,495 +0,0 @@
-; ---------------------
-; WinVer.nsh
-; ---------------------
-; LogicLib extensions for handling Windows versions and service packs.
-; IsNT checks if the installer is running on Windows NT family (NT4, 2000, XP, etc.)
-; ${If} ${IsNT}
-; DetailPrint "Running on NT. Installing Unicode enabled application."
-; ${Else}
-; DetailPrint "Not running on NT. Installing ANSI application."
-; ${EndIf}
-; IsServer checks if the installer is running on a server version of Windows (NT4, 2003, 2008, etc.)
-; AtLeastWin<version> checks if the installer is running on Windows version at least as specified.
-; IsWin<version> checks if the installer is running on Windows version exactly as specified.
-; AtMostWin<version> checks if the installer is running on Windows version at most as specified.
-; <version> can be replaced with the following values:
-; 95
-; 98
-; ME
-; NT4
-; 2000
-; XP
-; 2003
-; Vista
-; 2008
-; 7
-; 2008R2
-; AtLeastServicePack checks if the installer is running on Windows service pack version at least as specified.
-; IsServicePack checks if the installer is running on Windows service pack version exactly as specified.
-; AtMostServicePack checks if the installer is running on Windows service version pack at most as specified.
-; Usage examples:
-; ${If} ${IsNT}
-; DetailPrint "Running on NT family."
-; DetailPrint "Surely not running on 95, 98 or ME."
-; ${AndIf} ${AtLeastWinNT4}
-; DetailPrint "Running on NT4 or better. Could even be 2003."
-; ${EndIf}
-; ${If} ${AtLeastWinXP}
-; DetailPrint "Running on XP or better."
-; ${EndIf}
-; ${If} ${IsWin2000}
-; DetailPrint "Running on 2000."
-; ${EndIf}
-; ${If} ${IsWin2000}
-; ${AndIf} ${AtLeastServicePack} 3
-; ${OrIf} ${AtLeastWinXP}
-; DetailPrint "Running Win2000 SP3 or above"
-; ${EndIf}
-; ${If} ${AtMostWinXP}
-; DetailPrint "Running on XP or older. Surely not running on Vista. Maybe 98, or even 95."
-; ${EndIf}
-; Warning:
-; Windows 95 and NT both use the same version number. To avoid getting NT4 misidentified
-; as Windows 95 and vice-versa or 98 as a version higher than NT4, always use IsNT to
-; check if running on the NT family.
-; ${If} ${AtLeastWin95}
-; ${And} ${AtMostWinME}
-; DetailPrint "Running 95, 98 or ME."
-; DetailPrint "Actually, maybe it's NT4?"
-; ${If} ${IsNT}
-; DetailPrint "Yes, it's NT4! oops..."
-; ${Else}
-; DetailPrint "Nope, not NT4. phew..."
-; ${EndIf}
-; ${EndIf}
-; Other useful extensions are:
-; * IsWin2003R2
-; * IsStarterEdition
-; * OSHasMediaCenter
-; * OSHasTabletSupport
-!verbose push
-!verbose 3
-!ifndef ___WINVER__NSH___
-!define ___WINVER__NSH___
-!include LogicLib.nsh
-!include Util.nsh
-# masks for our variables
-!define _WINVER_VERXBIT 0x00000001
-!define _WINVER_MASKVMAJ 0x7F000000
-!define _WINVER_MASKVMIN 0x00FF0000
-!define _WINVER_NTBIT 0x80000000
-!define _WINVER_NTSRVBIT 0x40000000
-!define _WINVER_MASKVBLD 0x0000FFFF
-!define _WINVER_MASKSP 0x000F0000
-# possible variable values for different versions
-!define WINVER_95_NT 0x04000000 ;4.00.0950
-!define WINVER_95 0x04000000 ;4.00.0950
-!define WINVER_98_NT 0x040a0000 ;4.10.1998
-!define WINVER_98 0x040a0000 ;4.10.1998
-;define WINVER_98SE 0x040a0000 ;4.10.2222
-!define WINVER_ME_NT 0x045a0000 ;4.90.3000
-!define WINVER_ME 0x045a0000 ;4.90.3000
-;define WINVER_NT3d51 ;3.51.1057
-!define WINVER_NT4_NT 0x84000000 ;4.00.1381
-!define WINVER_NT4 0x04000000 ;4.00.1381
-!define WINVER_2000_NT 0x85000000 ;5.00.2195
-!define WINVER_2000 0x05000000 ;5.00.2195
-!define WINVER_XP_NT 0x85010000 ;5.01.2600
-!define WINVER_XP 0x05010000 ;5.01.2600
-;define WINVER_XP64 ;5.02.3790
-!define WINVER_2003_NT 0x85020000 ;5.02.3790
-!define WINVER_2003 0x05020000 ;5.02.3790
-!define WINVER_VISTA_NT 0x86000000 ;6.00.6000
-!define WINVER_VISTA 0x06000000 ;6.00.6000
-!define WINVER_2008_NT 0x86000001 ;6.00.6001
-!define WINVER_2008 0x06000001 ;6.00.6001
-!define WINVER_7_NT 0x86010000 ;6.01.????
-!define WINVER_7 0x06010000 ;6.01.????
-!define WINVER_2008R2_NT 0x86010001 ;6.01.????
-!define WINVER_2008R2 0x06010001 ;6.01.????
-# from nsis svn
-!define WINVER_8_NT 0x86020000 ;6.02.9200
-!define WINVER_8 0x06020000 ;6.02.9200
-!define WINVER_2012_NT 0x86020001 ;6.02.9200
-!define WINVER_2012 0x06020001 ;6.02.9200
-!define WINVER_8.1_NT 0x86030000 ;6.03.9600
-!define WINVER_8.1 0x06030000 ;6.03.9600
-!define WINVER_2012R2_NT 0x86030001 ;6.03.9600
-!define WINVER_2012R2 0x06030001 ;6.03.9600
-# use this to make all nt > 9x
-!ifdef WINVER_NT4_OVER_W95
- !define __WINVERTMP ${WINVER_NT4}
- !undef WINVER_NT4
- !define /math WINVER_NT4 ${__WINVERTMP} | ${_WINVER_VERXBIT}
- !undef __WINVERTMP
-# some definitions from header files
-!define VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT 2
-!define SM_TABLETPC 86
-!define SM_MEDIACENTER 87
-!define SM_STARTER 88
-!define SM_SERVERR2 89
-# variable declaration
-!macro __WinVer_DeclareVars
- !endif
-# lazy initialization macro
-!ifmacrondef __WinVer_Call_GetVersionEx
- !macro __WinVer_Call_GetVersionEx STRUCT_SIZE
- System::Call '*$0(i ${STRUCT_SIZE})'
- System::Call kernel32::GetVersionEx(ir0)i.r3
- !macroend
-!macro __WinVer_InitVars
- # variables
- !insertmacro __WinVer_DeclareVars
- # only calculate version once
- StrCmp $__WINVERV "" _winver_noveryet
- Return
- _winver_noveryet:
- # push used registers on the stack
- Push $0
- Push $1 ;maj
- Push $2 ;min
- Push $3 ;bld
- Push $R0 ;temp
- # allocate memory
- Pop $0
- !insertmacro __WinVer_Call_GetVersionEx ${OSVERSIONINFOEXA_SIZE}
- IntCmp $3 0 "" _winver_ex _winver_ex
- # OSVERSIONINFOEX not allowed (Win9x or NT4 w/SP < 6), use OSVERSIONINFO
- !insertmacro __WinVer_Call_GetVersionEx ${OSVERSIONINFOA_SIZE}
- _winver_ex:
- # get results from struct
- System::Call '*$0(i.s,i.r1,i.r2,i.r3,i.s,&t128.s,&i2.s,&i2,&i2,&i1.s,&i1)'
- # free struct
- System::Free $0
- # win9x has major and minor info in high word of dwBuildNumber - remove it
- IntOp $3 $3 & 0xFFFF
- # get dwOSVersionInfoSize
- Pop $R0
- # get dwPlatformId
- Pop $0
- # NT?
- IntCmp $0 ${VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT} "" _winver_notnt _winver_notnt
- _winver_notnt:
- # get service pack information
- IntCmp $0 ${VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT} _winver_nt "" _winver_nt # win9x
- # get szCSDVersion
- Pop $0
- # copy second char
- StrCpy $0 $0 1 1
- # discard invalid wServicePackMajor and wProductType
- Pop $R0
- Pop $R0
- # switch
- StrCmp $0 'A' "" +3
- StrCpy $0 1
- Goto _winver_sp_done
- StrCmp $0 'B' "" +3
- StrCpy $0 2
- Goto _winver_sp_done
- StrCmp $0 'C' "" +3
- StrCpy $0 3
- Goto _winver_sp_done
- StrCpy $0 0
- Goto _winver_sp_done
- _winver_nt: # nt
- IntCmp $R0 ${OSVERSIONINFOEXA_SIZE} "" _winver_sp_noex _winver_sp_noex
- # discard szCSDVersion
- Pop $0
- # get wProductType
- Exch
- Pop $0
- # is server?
- IntCmp $0 ${VER_NT_WORKSTATION} _winver_noserver _winver_noserver ""
- _winver_noserver:
- # get wServicePackMajor
- Pop $0
- # done with sp
- Goto _winver_sp_done
- #### TODO
- ## For IsServer to support < NT4SP6, we need to check the registry
- ## here to see if we are a server and/or DC
- # get szCSDVersion
- Pop $0
- # discard invalid wServicePackMajor and wProductType
- Pop $R0
- Pop $R0
- # get service pack number from text
- StrCpy $R0 $0 13
- StrCmp $R0 "Service Pack " "" +3
- StrCpy $0 $0 "" 13 # cut "Service Pack "
- Goto +2
- StrCpy $0 0 # no service pack
-!ifdef WINVER_NT4_OVER_W95
- _winver_sp_done:
- # store service pack
- IntOp $0 $0 << 16
- IntOp $__WINVERSP $__WINVERSP | $0
- ### now for the version
- # is server?
- # windows xp x64?
- IntCmp $0 0 "" _winver_not_xp_x64 _winver_not_xp_x64 # not server
- IntCmp $1 5 "" _winver_not_xp_x64 _winver_not_xp_x64 # maj 5
- IntCmp $2 2 "" _winver_not_xp_x64 _winver_not_xp_x64 # min 2
- # change XP x64 from 5.2 to 5.1 so it's still XP
- StrCpy $2 1
- _winver_not_xp_x64:
- # server 2008?
- IntCmp $0 0 _winver_not_ntserver # server
- IntCmp 6 $1 "" "" _winver_not_ntserver # maj 6
- # extra bit so Server 2008 comes after Vista SP1 that has the same minor version, same for Win7 vs 2008R2
- _winver_not_ntserver:
- # pack version
- IntOp $1 $1 << 24 # VerMajor
- IntOp $__WINVERV $__WINVERV | $1
- IntOp $0 $2 << 16
- IntOp $__WINVERV $__WINVERV | $0 # VerMinor
- IntOp $__WINVERSP $__WINVERSP | $3 # VerBuild
- # restore registers
- Pop $R0
- Pop $3
- Pop $2
- Pop $1
- Pop $0
-# version comparison LogicLib macros
-!macro _WinVerAtLeast _a _b _t _f
- !insertmacro _LOGICLIB_TEMP
- ${CallArtificialFunction} __WinVer_InitVars
- !insertmacro _>= $_LOGICLIB_TEMP `${_b}` `${_t}` `${_f}`
-!macro _WinVerIs _a _b _t _f
- ${CallArtificialFunction} __WinVer_InitVars
- !insertmacro _= $__WINVERV `${_b}` `${_t}` `${_f}`
-!macro _WinVerAtMost _a _b _t _f
- !insertmacro _LOGICLIB_TEMP
- ${CallArtificialFunction} __WinVer_InitVars
- !insertmacro _<= $_LOGICLIB_TEMP `${_b}` `${_t}` `${_f}`
-!macro __WinVer_DefineOSTest Test OS Suffix
- !define ${Test}Win${OS} `"" WinVer${Test} ${WINVER_${OS}${Suffix}}`
-!macro __WinVer_DefineOSTests Test Suffix
- !insertmacro __WinVer_DefineOSTest ${Test} 95 '${Suffix}'
- !insertmacro __WinVer_DefineOSTest ${Test} 98 '${Suffix}'
- !insertmacro __WinVer_DefineOSTest ${Test} ME '${Suffix}'
- !insertmacro __WinVer_DefineOSTest ${Test} NT4 '${Suffix}'
- !insertmacro __WinVer_DefineOSTest ${Test} 2000 '${Suffix}'
- !insertmacro __WinVer_DefineOSTest ${Test} XP '${Suffix}'
- !insertmacro __WinVer_DefineOSTest ${Test} 2003 '${Suffix}'
- !insertmacro __WinVer_DefineOSTest ${Test} VISTA '${Suffix}'
- !insertmacro __WinVer_DefineOSTest ${Test} 2008 '${Suffix}'
- !insertmacro __WinVer_DefineOSTest ${Test} 7 '${Suffix}'
- !insertmacro __WinVer_DefineOSTest ${Test} 2008R2 '${Suffix}'
- !insertmacro __WinVer_DefineOSTest ${Test} 8 '${Suffix}'
- !insertmacro __WinVer_DefineOSTest ${Test} 2012 '${Suffix}'
- !insertmacro __WinVer_DefineOSTest ${Test} 8.1 '${Suffix}'
- !insertmacro __WinVer_DefineOSTest ${Test} 2012R2 '${Suffix}'
-!insertmacro __WinVer_DefineOSTests AtLeast ""
-!insertmacro __WinVer_DefineOSTests Is _NT
-!insertmacro __WinVer_DefineOSTests AtMost ""
-# version feature LogicLib macros
-!macro _IsNT _a _b _t _f
- !insertmacro _LOGICLIB_TEMP
- ${CallArtificialFunction} __WinVer_InitVars
- !insertmacro _!= $_LOGICLIB_TEMP 0 `${_t}` `${_f}`
-!define IsNT `"" IsNT ""`
-!macro _IsServerOS _a _b _t _f
- !insertmacro _LOGICLIB_TEMP
- ${CallArtificialFunction} __WinVer_InitVars
- !insertmacro _!= $_LOGICLIB_TEMP 0 `${_t}` `${_f}`
-!define IsServerOS `"" IsServerOS ""`
-# service pack macros
-!macro _WinVer_GetServicePackLevel OUTVAR
- ${CallArtificialFunction} __WinVer_InitVars
- IntOp ${OUTVAR} ${OUTVAR} >> 16
-!define WinVerGetServicePackLevel '!insertmacro _WinVer_GetServicePackLevel '
-!macro _AtLeastServicePack _a _b _t _f
- !insertmacro _LOGICLIB_TEMP
- ${WinVerGetServicePackLevel} $_LOGICLIB_TEMP
- !insertmacro _>= $_LOGICLIB_TEMP `${_b}` `${_t}` `${_f}`
-!define AtLeastServicePack `"" AtLeastServicePack`
-!macro _AtMostServicePack _a _b _t _f
- !insertmacro _LOGICLIB_TEMP
- ${WinVerGetServicePackLevel} $_LOGICLIB_TEMP
- !insertmacro _<= $_LOGICLIB_TEMP `${_b}` `${_t}` `${_f}`
-!define AtMostServicePack `"" AtMostServicePack`
-!macro _IsServicePack _a _b _t _f
- !insertmacro _LOGICLIB_TEMP
- ${WinVerGetServicePackLevel} $_LOGICLIB_TEMP
- !insertmacro _= $_LOGICLIB_TEMP `${_b}` `${_t}` `${_f}`
-!define IsServicePack `"" IsServicePack`
-# special feature LogicLib macros
-!macro _WinVer_SysMetricCheck m _b _t _f
- !insertmacro _LOGICLIB_TEMP
- System::Call user32::GetSystemMetrics(i${m})i.s
- !insertmacro _!= $_LOGICLIB_TEMP 0 `${_t}` `${_f}`
-!define IsWin2003R2 `${SM_SERVERR2} WinVer_SysMetricCheck ""`
-!define IsStarterEdition `${SM_STARTER} WinVer_SysMetricCheck ""`
-!define OSHasMediaCenter `${SM_MEDIACENTER} WinVer_SysMetricCheck ""`
-!define OSHasTabletSupport `${SM_TABLETPC} WinVer_SysMetricCheck ""`
-# version retrieval macros
-!macro __WinVer_GetVer var rshift mask outvar
- ${CallArtificialFunction} __WinVer_InitVars
- !if "${mask}" != ""
- IntOp ${outvar} ${var} & ${mask}
- !if "${rshift}" != ""
- IntOp ${outvar} ${outvar} >> ${rshift}
- !endif
- !else
- IntOp ${outvar} ${var} >> ${rshift}
- !endif
-!define WinVerGetMajor '!insertmacro __WinVer_GetVer $__WINVERV 24 ${_WINVER_MASKVMAJ}'
-!define WinVerGetMinor '!insertmacro __WinVer_GetVer $__WINVERV 16 ${_WINVER_MASKVMIN}'
-!define WinVerGetBuild '!insertmacro __WinVer_GetVer $__WINVERSP "" ${_WINVER_MASKVBLD}'
-# done
-!endif # !___WINVER__NSH___
-!verbose pop
diff --git a/ovirt-guest-tools-iso.spec.in b/ovirt-guest-tools-iso.spec.in
index 0cd6e09..21e8bad 100644
--- a/ovirt-guest-tools-iso.spec.in
+++ b/ovirt-guest-tools-iso.spec.in
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ Packager: Lev Veyde <lveyde at redhat.com>
BuildRequires: genisoimage
BuildRequires: rsync
-BuildRequires: mingw32-nsis >= 2.46
+BuildRequires: mingw32-nsis >= 3.01
# Drop these when virtio-win includes the drivers not inside an iso.
# See comment in Makefile.
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ BuildRequires: mingw64-spice-vdagent >= 0.7.3
# From http://resources.ovirt.org/pub
BuildRequires: ovirt-guest-agent-windows
BuildRequires: vcredist-x86
-BuildRequires: nsis-simple-service-plugin
+BuildRequires: nsis-simple-service-plugin >= 1.30-2
# From https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Windows_Virtio_Drivers#Yum.7CDnf_Repo
BuildRequires: virtio-win
diff --git a/win-guest-tools.nsis b/win-guest-tools.nsis
index 1951721..2092edc 100644
--- a/win-guest-tools.nsis
+++ b/win-guest-tools.nsis
@@ -154,14 +154,7 @@ Section "install"
Push "PCI\VEN_1AF4&DEV_1001&SUBSYS_00021AF4&REV_00"
Call InstallDriver
- ${If} ${IsWinVista}
- ${OrIf} ${IsWin2008}
- ${OrIf} ${IsWin7}
- ${OrIf} ${IsWin2008R2}
- ${OrIf} ${IsWin8}
- ${OrIf} ${IsWin2012}
- ${OrIf} ${IsWin8.1}
- ${OrIf} ${IsWin2012R2}
+ ${If} ${AtLeastWinVista}
Push "vioscsi"
Push "vioscsi"
Push "PCI\VEN_1AF4&DEV_1004&SUBSYS_00081AF4&REV_00"
@@ -291,6 +284,8 @@ Function GetDriverSubdir
StrCpy $0 "$0\w8.1"
${ElseIf} ${IsWin2012R2}
StrCpy $0 "$0\w2k12r2"
+ ${ElseIf} ${IsWin10}
+ StrCpy $0 "$0\w10"
MessageBox MB_ICONEXCLAMATION "Unsupported Windows version"
Abort ; causes installer to quit.
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