[Spice-devel] Remote Viewer for Windows XP with UsbDk support

Fabiano FidĂȘncio fabiano at fidencio.org
Sun Mar 5 19:46:53 UTC 2017

On Sun, Mar 5, 2017 at 3:41 PM, Frediano Ziglio <fziglio at redhat.com> wrote:
> On Sun, Mar 5, 2017 at 12:37 PM, Victor Toso <lists at victortoso.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On Sun, Mar 05, 2017 at 11:46:01AM +0200, Sameeh Jubran wrote:
>> > Hi all,
>> >
>> > I am trying to run Remote Viewer inside Windows XP while using UsbDk for
>> > redirection, However when installing the latest version of Virt-Viewer
>> > on
>> > XP and try to run Remote Viewer some Dlls seem to be missing.
>> >
>> > Anyone knows where can I find / compile a version that supports UsbDk
>> > and
>> > runs on Windows XP?
>> Can you provide which dll's are missing?
> dwmapi.dll
> $ grep -ri dwmapi
> Binary file Program Files/VirtViewer v5.0-256/bin/libgdk-3-0.dll matches
> $ i686-w64-mingw32-objdump -x Program\ Files/VirtViewer\
> v5.0-256/bin/libgdk-3-0.dll
> ...
>         DLL Name: dwmapi.dll
>         vma:  Hint/Ord Member-Name Bound-To
>         9725c       3  DwmEnableBlurBehindWindow
>         97278      15  DwmIsCompositionEnabled
> ...
> Don't ask me why they are needed.
> dwmapi.dll is the "Desktop Window Manager" and from
> https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa969540(v=vs.85).aspx
> was introduced in Vista.
> To stub them DwmIsCompositionEnabled and DwmEnableBlurBehindWindow should
> return S_FALSE.
> They are used in gtk+, sources gdk/win32/gdkwindow-win32.c and
> ./gdk/win32/gdkscreen-win32.c.
>> Just to be sure, y
>> ou are using the virt-viewer 5.0 from
>> https://virt-manager.org/download/ ?
> Yes, I tried v5.0 v4.0 and v3.0 all of them require this DLL.
> v2.0 works on XP but I am not sure it supports UsbDk, can you confirm this?
>> Cheers,
>>         toso
> Do we support Windows XP as client?

No. We do not support windows XP as client.
Gtk3 dropped Windows XP support a while ago and we dropped Gtk2
support a while ago.

Best Regards,
Fabiano FidĂȘncio

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