[Spice-devel] Problem with driver signing.

Joshua J. Kugler joshua at azariah.com
Tue Mar 28 00:30:31 UTC 2017

So, from my reading of the docs, I was under the impression that released 
drivers would be signed.

I downloaded


And installed it in the Windows 7 VM.  After installing, I got a popup from 
Windows that said:

A recently installed program tried to install an unsigned driver. This version 
of Windows requires all drivers to have a valid digital signature."  (and some 
more text). It then says the location is "C:\windows\system32\...\UsbDk.sys"

I see new UHCI and EHCI devices, but it is telling me it can't load the 
drivers becaues they aren't signed. 

Also (because of this issue, I assume) I lose the "tablet" device that allows 
the seamless mouse, until I uninstall UsbDk.

Am I doing something wrong?

(I posted in #spice on GimpNET, but no replies as of the time of posting.)


Joshua J. Kugler - Fairbanks, Alaska
Azariah Enterprises - Programming and Website Design
joshua at azariah.com - Jabber: pedahzur at gmail.com
PGP Key: http://pgp.mit.edu/  ID 0x73B13B6A

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