[Spice-devel] [PATCH spice-common v3] protocol: Allow to specify a surface will be streamed

Frediano Ziglio fziglio at redhat.com
Mon Nov 13 13:16:33 UTC 2017

This flag will allow the client to perform some optimisations
on output and buffering processing.
Old clients will ignore this additional flag.

Signed-off-by: Frediano Ziglio <fziglio at redhat.com>
Changes since v2:
- removed RFC
 spice.proto | 13 +++++++++++--
 1 file changed, 11 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/spice.proto b/spice.proto
index e841272..6471b95 100644
--- a/spice.proto
+++ b/spice.proto
@@ -465,8 +465,17 @@ flags8 string_flags {
 flags32 surface_flags {
     /* Adding flags requires some caps check, since old clients only
-       treat the value as an enum and not as a flag (flag == PRIMARY) */
+       treat the value as an enum and not as a flag (flag == PRIMARY).
+       Considering this was fixed by commit
+       5b6e3d1c16457c926322ce28d341af2e8d39efb5 in Aug 21 2013 is safe
+       to assume that if capabilities include SPICE_DISPLAY_CAP_MULTI_CODEC
+       we can use any flags */
+    /* The surface will be streamed entirely. This means that only
+       stream commands will be received and the stream will cover the
+       entire surface. This flag can be safely ignored and is intended
+       as an hint for the client */
 enum32 surface_fmt {

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