[Spice-devel] [PATCH spice-common] proto: Add some documentation to stream_report message

Frediano Ziglio fziglio at redhat.com
Tue Nov 28 10:43:33 UTC 2017

Most of the documentation is extracted from notes in spice-server
code and comments.

Signed-off-by: Frediano Ziglio <fziglio at redhat.com>
 spice.proto | 12 ++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 12 insertions(+)

diff --git a/spice.proto b/spice.proto
index ea37225..c1e7b95 100644
--- a/spice.proto
+++ b/spice.proto
@@ -991,11 +991,23 @@ channel DisplayChannel : BaseChannel {
     message {
         uint32 stream_id;
         uint32 unique_id;
+        // the mm_time of the first frame included in the report
         uint32 start_frame_mm_time;
+        // the mm_time of the last_frame included in the report
         uint32 end_frame_mm_time;
+        // the number of frames that reached the client during the time the
+        // report is referring to
+        // A special case is when num_frames == 0 and num_drops ==
+        // 0xffffffffu, this is used in the client to communicate that
+        // specific stream is not supported
         uint32 num_frames;
+        // the part of the above frames that was dropped by the client due
+        // to late arrival time
         uint32 num_drops;
+        // end_frame_mm_time - client_mm_time
         int32 last_frame_delay;
+        // the latency of the audio playback
+        // If there is no audio playback, set it to 0xffffffffu
         uint32 audio_delay;
     } stream_report;

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