[Spice-devel] [PATCH spice-server v2 3/3] Add documentation for Dispatcher

Jonathon Jongsma jjongsma at redhat.com
Tue Sep 5 18:51:05 UTC 2017

 server/dispatcher.h | 140 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------
 1 file changed, 116 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-)

diff --git a/server/dispatcher.h b/server/dispatcher.h
index 862fc46b9..058032dbb 100644
--- a/server/dispatcher.h
+++ b/server/dispatcher.h
@@ -35,6 +35,18 @@ typedef struct Dispatcher Dispatcher;
 typedef struct DispatcherClass DispatcherClass;
 typedef struct DispatcherPrivate DispatcherPrivate;
+/* A Dispatcher provides inter-thread communication by serializing messages.
+ * Currently the Dispatcher uses a unix socket (socketpair) for dispatching the
+ * messages.
+ *
+ * Message types are identified by a unique integer value must first by
+ * registered with the class (see dispatcher_register_handler()) before they
+ * can be sent. Sending threads can send a message using the
+ * dispatcher_send_message() function. The receiving thread can monitor the
+ * dispatcher's 'receive' file descriptor (see dispatcher_get_recv_fd()) for
+ * activity and should call dispatcher_handle_recv_read() to process incoming
+ * messages.
+ */
 struct Dispatcher
     GObject parent;
@@ -49,88 +61,168 @@ struct DispatcherClass
 GType dispatcher_get_type(void) G_GNUC_CONST;
+/* dispatcher_new
+ *
+ * Create a new Dispatcher object
+ *
+ * @max_message_type:   indicates the number of unique message types that can
+ *                      be handled by this dispatcher. Each message type is
+ *                      identified by an integer value between 0 and
+ *                      max_message_type-1.
+ * @opaque:             an arbitrary pointer that will be passed as the first
+ *                      argument to any registered handler functions
+ */
 Dispatcher *dispatcher_new(size_t max_message_type, void *opaque);
+/* The function signature for handlers of a specific message type */
 typedef void (*dispatcher_handle_message)(void *opaque,
                                           void *payload);
+/* The signature for a function that handles all messages (see
+ * dispatcher_register_universal_handler()) */
 typedef void (*dispatcher_handle_any_message)(void *opaque,
                                               uint32_t message_type,
                                               void *payload);
+/* The signature of a function that handles async done notifcations for all
+ * messages that are registered with DISPATCHER_FLAG_ASYNC flag. See
+ * dispatcher_register_async_done_callback() and dispatcher_register_handler()
+ * for more information. */
 typedef void (*dispatcher_handle_async_done)(void *opaque,
                                              uint32_t message_type,
                                              void *payload);
- * dispatcher_send_message
+/* dispatcher_send_message
+ *
+ * Sends a message to the receiving thread. The message type must have been
+ * registered first (see dispatcher_register_handler()).  @payload must be a
+ * buffer of the same size as the size registered for @message_type
+ *
+ * If the sent message is a message type that was registered with a flag of
+ * DISPATCHER_FLAG_ACK, this function will block until it receives an ACK from
+ * the receiving thread.
+ *
  * @message_type: message type
  * @payload:      payload
 void dispatcher_send_message(Dispatcher *dispatcher, uint32_t message_type,
                              void *payload);
+/* A flag that specifies the behavior of the dispatcher when a given message
+ * type is received. This flag is specified when a message type is registered
+ * with the Dispatcher (see dispatcher_register_handler()). The possible values
+ * are as follows:
+ *
+ * DISPATCHER_FLAG_NONE: when a message is received, only the registered
+ * message handler is called
+ *
+ * DISPATCHER_FLAG_ACK: When a message is received, the message handler is
+ * called and the dispatcher will send an ACK response to the sender. This also
+ * changes the behavior of dispatcher_send_message() for a given message type
+ * since the sender will block until it receives the ACK. This is useful when
+ * the sender wants to ensure that the receiver has handled the message before
+ * proceeding.
+ *
+ * DISPATCHER_FLAG_ASYNC - When a message is received, the message handler is
+ * called and then the dispatcher will call the registered async_done handler.
+ * See dispatcher_register_async_done_callback() for more information
+ */
 typedef enum {
 } DispatcherFlag;
- * dispatcher_register_handler
+/* dispatcher_register_handler
+ *
+ * This function registers a message type with the dispatcher, and registers
+ * @handler as the function that will handle incoming messages of this type.
+ * Based on the value of @flag, the dispatcher may also take additional actions
+ * after the message has been passed to the handler. You can only register a
+ * given message type once. For example, you cannot register two different
+ * handlers for the same message type with different @flag values.
+ *
  * @dispatcher:     dispatcher
  * @messsage_type:  message type
  * @handler:        message handler
  * @size:           message size. Each type has a fixed associated size.
- *                  DISPATCHER_FLAG_NONE - only send the message
- *                  DISPATCHER_FLAG_ACK - send an ack after the message
- *                  DISPATCHER_FLAG_ASYNC - call send an ack. This is per message type - you can't send the
- *                  same message type with and without. Register two different
- *                  messages if that is what you want.
+ * @flag:           A flag that controls the behavior of this message type. See
+ *                  DispatcherFlag for more information.
 void dispatcher_register_handler(Dispatcher *dispatcher, uint32_t message_type,
                                  dispatcher_handle_message handler, size_t size,
                                  DispatcherFlag flag);
- * dispatcher_register_async_done_callback
+/* dispatcher_register_async_done_callback
+ *
+ * register an async_done callback for this dispatcher. For all message types
+ * that were registered with a DISPATCHER_FLAG_ASYNC flag, this function will
+ * be called after the normal message handler, and the message will be passed
+ * to this function. Note that this function will execute within the receiving
+ * thread.
+ *
  * @dispatcher:     dispatcher
  * @handler:        callback on the receiver side called *after* the
- *                  message callback in case ack == DISPATCHER_ASYNC.
+ *                  message callback in case flag == DISPATCHER_FLAG_ASYNC.
 void dispatcher_register_async_done_callback(
                                     Dispatcher *dispatcher,
                                     dispatcher_handle_async_done handler);
- * Hack to allow red_record to see the message being sent so it can record
- * it to file.
+/* dispatcher_register_universal_handler
+ *
+ * Register a universal handler that will be called when *any* message is
+ * recieved by the dispatcher. When a message is received, this handler will be
+ * called first. If the received message type was registered via
+ * dispatcher_register_handler(), the message-specific handler will then be
+ * called. Only one universal handler can be registered. This feature can be
+ * used to record all messages to a file for replay and debugging.
+ *
+ * @dispatcher:     dispatcher
+ * @handler:        a handler function
 void dispatcher_register_universal_handler(Dispatcher *dispatcher,
                                     dispatcher_handle_any_message handler);
- *  dispatcher_handle_recv_read
- *  @dispatcher: Dispatcher instance
+/* dispatcher_handle_recv_read
+ *
+ * A convenience function that is intended to be called by the receiving thread
+ * to handle all incoming messages and execute any handlers for those messages.
+ * This function will handle all incoming messages until there is no more data
+ * to read, so multiple handlers may be executed from a single call to
+ * dispatcher_handle_recv_read().
+ *
+ * @dispatcher: Dispatcher instance
 void dispatcher_handle_recv_read(Dispatcher *);
- *  dispatcher_get_recv_fd
- *  @return: receive file descriptor of the dispatcher
+/* dispatcher_get_recv_fd
+ *
+ * This function returns the fd that is used by the receiving thread to listen
+ * for incoming messages. You should not read or write directly to this fd, but
+ * should only use it to watch for read events. When there is a read event, you
+ * should use dispatcher_handle_recv_read() to handle the incoming messages.
+ *
+ * @return: receive file descriptor of the dispatcher
 int dispatcher_get_recv_fd(Dispatcher *);
- * dispatcher_set_opaque
+/* dispatcher_set_opaque
+ *
+ * This 'opaque' pointer is user-defined data that will be passed as the first
+ * argument to all handler functions.
+ *
  * @dispatcher: Dispatcher instance
  * @opaque: opaque to use for callbacks
 void dispatcher_set_opaque(Dispatcher *dispatcher, void *opaque);
+/* dispatcher_get_thread_id
+ *
+ * Returns the id of the thread that created this Dispatcher object
+ */
 pthread_t dispatcher_get_thread_id(Dispatcher *self);
 #endif /* DISPATCHER_H_ */

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