[Spice-devel] [PATCH v2 12/13] Add guidelines about warnings and whitespaces

Victor Toso victortoso at redhat.com
Thu Feb 8 10:18:00 UTC 2018


On Thu, Feb 08, 2018 at 11:14:02AM +0100, Christophe de Dinechin wrote:
> > Because the code itself is inconsistent. It would be so much
> > better to have a few patches that make the code consistent and
> > then some git hook to check if given patch does not mess around
> > the coding style instead of discussing this so many times over
> > years.
> I thought I was requesting even less than a big fix. I was only
> requesting to allow small fixes. But if Frediano does not want
> this, then I would go with you and say we fix it once and then
> enforce it.
> Christophe

Could be something like intel-vaapi-driver, while fixing some
small things, I was not able to commit due some hook that checked
the file that I changed. So I did a single commit per file to
make it all good and applied my changes as follow up.

[0] https://github.com/intel/intel-vaapi-driver/commit/3443434d88ad116

Something like this should be fine for everybody, I think...

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