[Spice-devel] VDAgent and XDMCP

Javier Celaya javier.celaya at flexvdi.com
Tue Jul 17 13:05:30 UTC 2018

Hello list

I have a special scenario where I cannot get the VDAgent to run
correctly. We are migrating a physical setup to virtual, with Ubuntu
booting by PXE from a SLES server. Then, an X session is started with
XDMCP, so that the X server runs in the virtual Ubuntu guest and the X
clients run in the server. Is it possible to run the Spice guest agent
in this configuration? It seems the spice-vdagentd service should run
in the Ubuntu guest, but spice-vdagent... We tried to run it in the
server, like the other X clients, and it did not work (it tried to open
the virtio port). Can it be executed in the Ubuntu guest too? If so,

Thanks for your help


            Javier Celaya Alastrué
           Chief Technology Officer
        javier.celaya at flexvdi.com
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