[Spice-devel] How to make USB auto redirec

Snir Sheriber ssheribe at redhat.com
Thu Jul 19 08:56:56 UTC 2018


On 07/19/2018 11:07 AM, 王杰东 wrote:
> /Recently i try the remote-viewer6.0 on Windows with parameter : 
> --spice-usbredir-auto-redirect-filter="///0x03,-1,-1,-1,0|-1,-1,-1,-1,1/", 
> i want my usb auto redirect to VM except Mouse and keyboard, but it 
> never works.
> /
> /then i run remote-viewer.exe with paremeter: 
> --spice-usbredir-redirect-on-connect="///0x03,-1,-1,-1,0|-1,-1,-1,-1,1/", 
> the inserted usb can redirect sussessfully./
> //
> //
> so is my paremeter of auto-redirect-filter is error ? there are no 
> obvious ERROR debug info when I use this parameter.
> or something else i need to do if i want to auto redirect usb to vm?
> /
> /
/Your filter string looks fine, as mentioned on the website [1], make 
sure client's window
is in focus (click inside few times just to make sure) while you plug in 
the device.
(please reply if it doesn't work)

[1] https://www.spice-space.org/usbredir.html


> /Thanks for help !
> /
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