[Spice-devel] 答复: 答复: how to open jpg binary file (/tmp/spice_dump/x.jpg)?

谢昆明 xie.kunming at astute-tec.com
Wed Jun 20 11:32:41 UTC 2018

Fix bug.

发送自 Windows 10 版邮件应用

发件人: Frediano Ziglio
发送时间: 2018年6月20日 18:32
收件人: 谢 昆明
抄送: spice-devel at lists.freedesktop.org; Christophe Fergeau
主题: Re: [Spice-devel] 答复: how to open jpg binary file (/tmp/spice_dump/x.jpg)?

Yes. It is some spice code which is calling dump_jpeg.
After apply this patch, jpeg file can be open by eog.
The call is correct. What is wrong is dump_jpeg which should handle all chunks and not assume that pointer
is raw data.
Thanks for the report.
What are you trying to do dumping jpeg images?


发送自 Windows 10 版邮件应用
发件人: Christophe Fergeau
发送时间: 2018年6月20日 17:28
收件人: 谢 昆明
抄送: spice-devel at lists.freedesktop.org
主题: Re: [Spice-devel] how to open jpg binary file (/tmp/spice_dump/x.jpg)?
On Wed, Jun 20, 2018 at 02:14:54AM +0000, 谢 昆明 wrote:
> Hey guys. I have dump some jpg file, but I can’t open it with eog.
I don't understand how this relates to spice? Is this some spice code
which is calling dump_jpeg?
> static int jpeg_id = 0;
> static void dump_jpeg(uint8_t* data, int data_size)
> {
>     char file_str[200];
>     uint32_t id = ++jpeg_id;
> #ifdef WIN32
>     sprintf(file_str, "c:\\tmp\\spice_dump\\%u.jpg", id);
> #else
>     sprintf(file_str, "/tmp/spice_dump/%u.jpg", id);
> #endif
>     FILE *f = fopen(file_str, "wb");
>     if (!f) {
>         return;
>     }
>     fwrite(data, 1, data_size, f);
>     fclose(f);
> }
> 发送自 Windows 10 版邮件<https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=550986>应用

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