[Spice-devel] [PATCH spice-common 1/2] Add support for building with meson/ninja
Eduardo Lima (Etrunko)
etrunko at redhat.com
Thu Mar 22 17:18:18 UTC 2018
Signed-off-by: Eduardo Lima (Etrunko) <etrunko at redhat.com>
common/meson.build | 120 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
docs/meson.build | 11 ++++
meson.build | 179 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
meson_options.txt | 37 +++++++++++
tests/meson.build | 34 ++++++++++
5 files changed, 381 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 common/meson.build
create mode 100644 docs/meson.build
create mode 100644 meson.build
create mode 100644 meson_options.txt
create mode 100644 tests/meson.build
diff --git a/common/meson.build b/common/meson.build
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8979947
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/meson.build
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+# libspice-common
+spice_common_sources = [
+ 'backtrace.c',
+ 'backtrace.h',
+ 'bitops.h',
+ 'canvas_utils.c',
+ 'canvas_utils.h',
+ 'client_demarshallers.h',
+ 'client_marshallers.h',
+ 'draw.h',
+ 'lines.c',
+ 'lines.h',
+ 'log.c',
+ 'log.h',
+ 'lz.c',
+ 'lz.h',
+ 'lz_common.h',
+ 'lz_config.h',
+ 'macros.h',
+ 'marshaller.c',
+ 'marshaller.h',
+ 'mem.c',
+ 'mem.h',
+ 'messages.h',
+ 'pixman_utils.c',
+ 'pixman_utils.h',
+ 'quic.c',
+ 'quic.h',
+ 'quic_config.h',
+ 'rect.h',
+ 'region.c',
+ 'region.h',
+ 'ring.h',
+ 'rop3.c',
+ 'rop3.h',
+ 'snd_codec.c',
+ 'snd_codec.h',
+ 'spice_common.h',
+ 'ssl_verify.c',
+ 'ssl_verify.h',
+ 'verify.h'
+spice_common_lib = static_library('spice-common', spice_common_sources,
+ install : false,
+ include_directories: spice_common_include,
+ dependencies: spice_common_deps)
+spice_common_generate_code = get_option('generate-code')
+# libspice-common-client
+if spice_common_generate_code == 'all' or spice_common_generate_code == 'client'
+ targets = [
+ ['client_demarshallers', spice_proto, 'generated_client_demarshallers.c', ['--generate-demarshallers', '--client', '--include', 'common/messages.h', '@INPUT@', '@OUTPUT@']],
+ ['client_demarshallers1', spice1_proto, 'generated_client_demarshallers1.c', ['--generate-demarshallers', '--client', '--include', 'common/messages.h', '--prefix', '1', '--ptrsize', '8', '@INPUT@', '@OUTPUT@']],
+ ['client_marshallers_h', spice_proto, 'generated_client_marshallers.h', ['--generate-marshallers', '-P', '--client', '--include', 'common/messages.h', '-H', '@INPUT@', '@OUTPUT@']],
+ ['client_marshalers', spice_proto, 'generated_client_marshallers.c', ['--generate-marshallers', '-P', '--client', '--include', 'client_marshallers.h', '@INPUT@', '@OUTPUT@']],
+ ['client_marshallers1', spice1_proto, 'generated_client_marshallers1.c', ['--generate-marshallers', '-P', '--client', '--include', 'common/messages.h', '--include', 'client_marshallers.h', '--prefix', '1', '--ptrsize', '8', '@INPUT@', '@OUTPUT@']],
+ ]
+ spice_common_client_sources = []
+ foreach t : targets
+ cmd = [spice_codegen] + t[3]
+ spice_common_client_sources += custom_target(t[0], input : t[1], output : t[2], install : false, command : cmd)
+ endforeach
+ spice_common_client_lib = static_library('spice-common-client', spice_common_client_sources,
+ install : false,
+ include_directories: spice_common_include,
+ dependencies: spice_common_deps)
+ spice_common_client_dep = declare_dependency(sources : spice_common_client_sources)
+# libspice-common-server
+if spice_common_generate_code == 'all' or spice_common_generate_code == 'server'
+ structs_args = [
+ '-M', 'String',
+ '-M', 'Rect',
+ '-M', 'Point',
+ '-M', 'DisplayBase',
+ '-M', 'Fill',
+ '-M', 'Opaque',
+ '-M', 'Copy',
+ '-M', 'Blend',
+ '-M', 'Blackness',
+ '-M', 'Whiteness',
+ '-M', 'Invers',
+ '-M', 'Rop3',
+ '-M', 'Stroke',
+ '-M', 'Text',
+ '-M', 'Transparent',
+ '-M', 'AlphaBlend',
+ '-M', 'Composite',
+ ]
+ targets = [
+ ['server_demarshallers', spice_proto, 'generated_server_demarshallers.c', ['--generate-demarshallers', '--server', '--include', 'common/messages.h', '@INPUT@', '@OUTPUT@']],
+ ['server_marshallers_h', spice_proto, 'generated_server_marshallers.h', ['--generate-marshallers', '--server'] + structs_args + ['--include', 'common/messages.h', '-H', '@INPUT@', '@OUTPUT@']],
+ ['server_marshallers', spice_proto, 'generated_server_marshallers.c', ['--generate-marshallers', '--server'] + structs_args + ['--include', 'common/messages.h', '@INPUT@', '@OUTPUT@']],
+ ]
+ spice_common_server_sources = []
+ foreach t : targets
+ cmd = [python.path(), spice_codegen] + t[3]
+ spice_common_server_sources += custom_target(t[0], input : t[1], output : t[2], install : false, command : cmd)
+ endforeach
+ spice_common_server_lib = static_library('spice-common-server', spice_common_server_sources,
+ install : false,
+ include_directories: spice_common_include,
+ dependencies: spice_common_deps)
+ spice_common_server_dep = declare_dependency(sources : spice_common_server_sources)
diff --git a/docs/meson.build b/docs/meson.build
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7abb54c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/meson.build
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+if get_option('manual')
+ asciidoc = find_program('asciidoc', required : false)
+ if asciidoc.found()
+ custom_target('spice_protocol.html',
+ input : files('spice_protocol.txt'),
+ output : 'spice_protocol.html',
+ command : [asciidoc, '-n', '-a', 'icons', '-a', 'toc', '-o', '@OUTPUT@', '@INPUT@'],
+ install_dir : meson.current_build_dir(), # FIXME: used to force the build of the documentation,
+ install : true) # if install is false, it will not be done.
+ endif
diff --git a/meson.build b/meson.build
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba1fa0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meson.build
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+# project definition
+project('spice-common', 'c',
+ meson_version : '>= 0.45.0',
+ license : 'LGPLv2.1')
+# some global vars
+spice_common_global_cflags = [#'-std=c99', # fails compiling bitops.h
+ '-static',
+ '-DG_LOG_DOMAIN="Spice"',
+ '-Wall',
+ '-Wextra',
+ '-Werror']
+if get_option('alignment-checks')
+ spice_common_global_cflags += ['-DSPICE_DEBUG_ALIGNMENT']
+spice_common_deps = []
+spice_common_include = include_directories('.')
+spice_proto = files('spice.proto')
+spice1_proto = files('spice1.proto')
+spice_codegen = files('spice_codegen.py')
+compiler = meson.get_compiler('c')
+spice_common_config_data = configuration_data()
+if get_option('extra-checks')
+ spice_common_config_data.set('ENABLE_EXTRA_CHECKS', '1')
+# check for system headers
+headers = [['alloca.h', 'HAVE_ALLOCA_H'],
+ ['arpa/inet.h', 'HAVE_ARPA_INET_H'],
+ ['dlfcn.h', 'HAVE_DLFCN_H'],
+ ['inttypes.h', 'HAVE_INTTYPES_H'],
+ ['malloc.h', 'HAVE_MALLOC_H'],
+ ['memory.h', 'HAVE_MEMORY_H'],
+ ['netinet/in.h', 'HAVE_NETINET_IN_H'],
+ ['stddef.h', 'HAVE_STDDEF_H'],
+ ['stdint.h', 'HAVE_STDINT_H'],
+ ['stdlib.h', 'HAVE_STDLIB_H'],
+ ['strings.h', 'HAVE_STRINGS_H'],
+ ['string.h', 'HAVE_STRING_H'],
+ ['sys/socket.h', 'HAVE_SYS_SOCKET_H'],
+ ['sys/stat.h', 'HAVE_SYS_STAT_H'],
+ ['sys/types.h', 'HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H'],
+ ['unistd.h', 'HAVE_UNISTD_H'],
+ ['vfork.h', 'HAVE_VFORK_H']]
+foreach h : headers
+ if compiler.has_header(h[0])
+ spice_common_config_data.set(h[1], '1')
+ endif
+# check for system functions
+functions = [['alloca', 'HAVE_ALLOCA'],
+ ['dup2', 'HAVE_DUP2'],
+ ['floor', 'HAVE_FLOOR'],
+ ['fork', 'HAVE_FORK'],
+ ['inet_ntoa', 'HAVE_INET_NTOA'],
+ ['memmove', 'HAVE_MEMMOVE'],
+ ['memset', 'HAVE_MEMSET'],
+ ['pow', 'HAVE_POW'],
+ ['sqrt', 'HAVE_SQRT'],
+ ['vfork', 'HAVE_VFORK']]
+foreach f : functions
+ if compiler.has_function(f[0])
+ spice_common_config_data.set(f[1], '1')
+ endif
+# check for mandatory dependencies
+glib_version_info = '>= 2.38'
+glib_encoded_version = 'GLIB_VERSION_2_38'
+spice_protocol_version = '>= @0@'.format(get_option('protocol-version'))
+deps = [['spice-protocol', spice_protocol_version],
+ ['glib-2.0', glib_version_info],
+ ['gio-2.0', glib_version_info],
+ ['gthread-2.0', glib_version_info],
+ ['pixman-1', '>= 0.17.7'],
+ ['openssl', '>= 1.0.0']]
+foreach dep : deps
+ spice_common_deps += dependency(dep[0], version : dep[1])
+spice_common_glib_cflags = ['-DGLIB_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED=@0@'.format(glib_encoded_version),
+ '-DGLIB_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED=@0@'.format(glib_encoded_version)]
+spice_common_global_cflags += spice_common_glib_cflags
+# Non-mandatory/optional dependencies
+deps = [['opus', '>= 0.9.14', 'HAVE_OPUS'],]
+optional_deps = [['celt051', '>=', 'HAVE_CELT051'],]
+foreach dep : optional_deps
+ if get_option(dep[0])
+ deps += [dep]
+ endif
+foreach dep : deps
+ d = dependency(dep[0], required : false, version : dep[1])
+ if d.found()
+ spice_common_deps += d
+ spice_common_config_data.set(dep[2], '1')
+ endif
+# Python
+if get_option('python-checks')
+ dependency('python3')
+ py_module = import('python3')
+ python = py_module.find_python()
+ foreach module : ['six', 'pyparsing']
+ cmd = run_command(python, '-m', module)
+ if cmd.returncode() != 0
+ error('Python module @0@ not found'.format(module))
+ endif
+ endforeach
+# smartcard check
+smartcard_dep = dependency('libcacard', required : false, version : '>= 2.5.1')
+if smartcard_dep.found()
+ spice_common_deps += smartcard_dep
+ spice_common_config_data.set('USE_SMARTCARD', '1')
+ smartcard012_dep = dependency('libcacard', required : false, version : '>= 0.1.2')
+ if smartcard012_dep.found()
+ spice_common_deps += smartcard012_dep
+ spice_common_config_data.set('USE_SMARTCARD_012', '1')
+ endif
+spice_common_has_smartcard = smartcard_dep.found() or smartcard012_dep.found()
+# global C defines
+if not meson.is_subproject()
+ warning('This project is only intended to be used as a subproject!')
+ foreach arg : spice_common_global_cflags
+ add_global_arguments(arg, language : 'c')
+ endforeach
+ foreach arg : spice_common_global_cflags
+ add_project_arguments(arg, language : 'c')
+ endforeach
+# Subdirectories
+# write config.h
+configure_file(output : 'config.h',
+ install : false,
+ configuration : spice_common_config_data)
diff --git a/meson_options.txt b/meson_options.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e27cbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meson_options.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+ type : 'boolean',
+ value : false,
+ yield : true,
+ description : 'Enable runtime checks for cast alignment (default=false)')
+ type : 'boolean',
+ value : false,
+ yield : true,
+ description : 'Enable extra checks on code (default=false)')
+ type : 'boolean',
+ value : true,
+ description: 'Enable celt051 audio codec (default=true)')
+ type : 'boolean',
+ value : true,
+ description : 'Enable checks for Python modules needed to build from git (default=true)')
+ type : 'boolean',
+ value : true,
+ yield : true,
+ description : 'Build SPICE manual (default=true)')
+ type : 'string',
+ value : '0.12.12',
+ description : 'SPICE protocol version required (default=0.12.12)')
+ type : 'combo',
+ choices : ['all', 'server', 'client'],
+ description : 'Which code should be built (default=all)')
diff --git a/tests/meson.build b/tests/meson.build
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7616011
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/meson.build
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# test_logging
+test ('test-logging',
+ executable('test_logging', 'test-logging.c',
+ include_directories: spice_common_include,
+ dependencies: spice_common_deps,
+ link_with: spice_common_lib,
+ install : false))
+# test_marshallers
+test_proto = files('test-marshallers.proto')
+test_marshallers_sources = ['test-marshallers.c', 'test-marshallers.h']
+targets = [
+ ['test_marshallers', test_proto, 'generated_test_marshallers.c', ['--generate-marshallers', '--server', '--include', 'test-marshallers.h', '@INPUT@', '@OUTPUT@']],
+ ['test_marshallers_h', test_proto, 'generated_test_marshallers.h', ['--generate-marshallers', '--server', '--include', 'test-marshallers.h', '-H', '@INPUT@', '@OUTPUT@']],
+ ['test_demarshallers', test_proto, 'generated_test_demarshallers.c', ['--generate-demarshallers', '--client', '--include', 'test-marshallers.h', '@INPUT@', '@OUTPUT@']],
+foreach t : targets
+ cmd = [spice_codegen] + t[3]
+ test_marshallers_sources += custom_target(t[0], input: t[1], output : t[2], command: cmd)
+ executable('test_marshallers', test_marshallers_sources,
+ include_directories: spice_common_include,
+ dependencies: spice_common_deps,
+ link_with: spice_common_lib,
+ install : false))
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