[Spice-devel] About Building Spice OSX Client

dengrongyu at ruijie.com.cn dengrongyu at ruijie.com.cn
Thu Sep 27 03:03:50 UTC 2018

Hello,spice developer
         I’m a developer from China,I want to build SPICE on Mac,and I followed the instructions on your official page: https://www.spice-space.org/osx-client.html.
I just cant walk through.
         First About Prerequisite:
                   I was told to install Xcode,yes,Im using Xcode 9.4.1 and run the command :
sudo xcode-select --switch /Applications/Xcode.app/ContentsDeveloper
         you  see /Applications/Xcode.app/ContentsDeveloper is no longer a valid directory now.

    Second About Setup:
    When I run the shell script

         sh spice-osx-build-setup.sh
    the content of gtk-osx-build.sh are not correct, I copy from https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gtk-osx/raw/master/gtk-osx-build-setup.sh
to  fix.And I actually not sure if its right.
         After finish run the gtk-osx-build.sh , I add  ~/.local/bin to environment varity and  copy the jhbuildrc from directory spice-jhbuild to ~/.jhbuildrc-custom and then I run the command

        jhbuild bootstrap

         jhbuild build
         Unfortunately, many problems occurred.
         First: the autogenargs in the file jhbuildrc is autogenargs = autogenargs + --disable introspection, an error occurred when I run the command jhbuild build.
And then I wiped autogenargs to avoid .It worked…
         Second the modules seems not correct. Spice-gtk3 depends on openssl package , and it doesn’t mention on the website : http://cgit.freedesktop.org/spice/spice-jhbuild/plain/modulesets/spice.xml?h=osx
         When it comes to spice-gtk3 building it shows an erroy no package openssl found. I ./Configure --prefix /Users/mac/spice-jhbuild/inst  and  make && make install  manually, and then copy the include bin file to spice-jhbuild/inst it worked.
         The gstreamer which it atuomaticly installed still not found when spice-gtk3 Configureing….
All I want to say is Please update,and shows the right way to build spice on mac!!!
         Hope you could understand my poor English…Thanks for your time.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Yours Rongyu Deng.

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