[Spice-devel] Spice USB redirect

Frediano Ziglio fziglio at redhat.com
Wed Aug 7 14:32:01 UTC 2019

> This is probably more of a Fedora 30 issue, but I wanted to make you all
> aware it does not work when trying to redirect an iPhone from Fedora 30 host
> to a Windows 10 VM on QEMU/KVM/Virt Manager.

> Kind Regards,

> Jet Walsh

I won't be surprised if the message was right "Device is in use by another application".
iPhone is a quite complicated device. It probably export some interface to export
photos that trigger some applications or file system daemon to deal with photos.
One idea would be to find this application and stop it.
Another to try insert the iPhone with remote-viewer (or such application) with focus
to see if the grab of the device happens earlier in such application.


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