[Spice-devel] [PATCH spice-common] proto: Remove obsolete TunnelChannel

Frediano Ziglio fziglio at redhat.com
Fri Feb 22 09:54:49 UTC 2019

No reason to keep it, spice-gtk and spice-server don't
implement it and was removed for security reasons.

Signed-off-by: Frediano Ziglio <fziglio at redhat.com>
 common/messages.h |  99 ----------------------------------------
 spice.proto       | 113 +---------------------------------------------
 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 210 deletions(-)

diff --git a/common/messages.h b/common/messages.h
index 3e37235..43d3602 100644
--- a/common/messages.h
+++ b/common/messages.h
@@ -489,105 +489,6 @@ typedef struct SpiceMsgcRecordStartMark {
     uint32_t time;
 } SpiceMsgcRecordStartMark;
-typedef struct SpiceMsgTunnelInit {
-    uint16_t max_num_of_sockets;
-    uint32_t max_socket_data_size;
-} SpiceMsgTunnelInit;
-typedef uint8_t SpiceTunnelIPv4[4];
-typedef struct SpiceMsgTunnelIpInfo {
-    uint16_t type;
-    union {
-      SpiceTunnelIPv4 ipv4;
-    } u;
-    uint8_t data[0];
-} SpiceMsgTunnelIpInfo;
-typedef struct SpiceMsgTunnelServiceIpMap {
-    uint32_t service_id;
-    SpiceMsgTunnelIpInfo virtual_ip;
-} SpiceMsgTunnelServiceIpMap;
-typedef struct SpiceMsgTunnelSocketOpen {
-    uint16_t connection_id;
-    uint32_t service_id;
-    uint32_t tokens;
-} SpiceMsgTunnelSocketOpen;
-/* connection id must be the first field in msgs directed to a specific connection */
-typedef struct SpiceMsgTunnelSocketFin {
-    uint16_t connection_id;
-} SpiceMsgTunnelSocketFin;
-typedef struct SpiceMsgTunnelSocketClose {
-    uint16_t connection_id;
-} SpiceMsgTunnelSocketClose;
-typedef struct SpiceMsgTunnelSocketData {
-    uint16_t connection_id;
-    uint8_t data[0];
-} SpiceMsgTunnelSocketData;
-typedef struct SpiceMsgTunnelSocketTokens {
-    uint16_t connection_id;
-    uint32_t num_tokens;
-} SpiceMsgTunnelSocketTokens;
-typedef struct SpiceMsgTunnelSocketClosedAck {
-    uint16_t connection_id;
-} SpiceMsgTunnelSocketClosedAck;
-typedef struct SpiceMsgcTunnelAddGenericService {
-    uint32_t type;
-    uint32_t id;
-    uint32_t group;
-    uint32_t port;
-    uint64_t name;
-    uint64_t description;
-    union {
-        SpiceMsgTunnelIpInfo ip;
-    } u;
-} SpiceMsgcTunnelAddGenericService;
-typedef struct SpiceMsgcTunnelRemoveService {
-    uint32_t id;
-} SpiceMsgcTunnelRemoveService;
-/* connection id must be the first field in msgs directed to a specific connection */
-typedef struct SpiceMsgcTunnelSocketOpenAck {
-    uint16_t connection_id;
-    uint32_t tokens;
-} SpiceMsgcTunnelSocketOpenAck;
-typedef struct SpiceMsgcTunnelSocketOpenNack {
-    uint16_t connection_id;
-} SpiceMsgcTunnelSocketOpenNack;
-typedef struct SpiceMsgcTunnelSocketData {
-    uint16_t connection_id;
-    uint8_t data[0];
-} SpiceMsgcTunnelSocketData;
-typedef struct SpiceMsgcTunnelSocketFin {
-    uint16_t connection_id;
-} SpiceMsgcTunnelSocketFin;
-typedef struct SpiceMsgcTunnelSocketClosed {
-    uint16_t connection_id;
-} SpiceMsgcTunnelSocketClosed;
-typedef struct SpiceMsgcTunnelSocketClosedAck {
-    uint16_t connection_id;
-} SpiceMsgcTunnelSocketClosedAck;
-typedef struct SpiceMsgcTunnelSocketTokens {
-    uint16_t connection_id;
-    uint32_t num_tokens;
-} SpiceMsgcTunnelSocketTokens;
 typedef struct SpiceMsgSmartcard {
     VSCMsgType type;
diff --git a/spice.proto b/spice.proto
index 02ab4df..51ce3ca 100644
--- a/spice.proto
+++ b/spice.proto
@@ -1235,115 +1235,6 @@ channel RecordChannel : BaseChannel {
     } start_mark;
-enum16 tunnel_service_type {
-    IPP,
-enum16 tunnel_ip_type {
-    IPv4,
-struct TunnelIpInfo {
-    tunnel_ip_type type;
-    switch (type) {
-    case IPv4:
-        uint8 ipv4[4];
-    } u;
-} @ctype(SpiceMsgTunnelIpInfo);
-channel TunnelChannel : BaseChannel {
- server:
-    message {
-        uint16 max_num_of_sockets;
-        uint32 max_socket_data_size;
-    } init = 101;
-    message {
-        uint32 service_id;
-        TunnelIpInfo virtual_ip;
-    } service_ip_map;
-    message {
-        uint16 connection_id;
-        uint32 service_id;
-        uint32 tokens;
-    } socket_open;
-    message {
-        uint16 connection_id;
-    } socket_fin;
-    message {
-        uint16 connection_id;
-    } socket_close;
-    message {
-        uint16 connection_id;
-        uint8 data[] @end;
-    } socket_data;
-    message {
-        uint16 connection_id;
-    } socket_closed_ack;
-    message {
-        uint16 connection_id;
-        uint32 num_tokens;
-    } @ctype(SpiceMsgTunnelSocketTokens) socket_token;
- client:
-    message {
-        tunnel_service_type type;
-        uint32 id;
-        uint32 group;
-        uint32 port;
-        uint8 *name[cstring()] @nocopy;
-        uint8 *description[cstring()] @nocopy;
-        switch (type) {
-        case IPP:
-            TunnelIpInfo ip @ctype(SpiceMsgTunnelIpInfo);
-        } u;
-    } @ctype(SpiceMsgcTunnelAddGenericService) service_add = 101;
-    message {
-        uint32 id;
-    } @ctype(SpiceMsgcTunnelRemoveService) service_remove;
-    message {
-        uint16 connection_id;
-        uint32 tokens;
-    } socket_open_ack;
-    message {
-        uint16 connection_id;
-    } socket_open_nack;
-    message {
-        uint16 connection_id;
-    } socket_fin;
-    message {
-        uint16 connection_id;
-    } socket_closed;
-    message {
-        uint16 connection_id;
-    } socket_closed_ack;
-    message {
-        uint16 connection_id;
-        uint8 data[] @end;
-    } socket_data;
-    message {
-        uint16 connection_id;
-        uint32 num_tokens;
-    } @ctype(SpiceMsgcTunnelSocketTokens) socket_token;
 enum32 vsc_message_type {
     Init = 1,
@@ -1466,8 +1357,8 @@ protocol Spice {
     CursorChannel cursor;
     PlaybackChannel playback;
     RecordChannel record;
-    TunnelChannel tunnel;
-    SmartcardChannel smartcard;
+    // there used to be a TunnelChannel
+    SmartcardChannel smartcard = 8;
     UsbredirChannel usbredir;
     PortChannel port;
     WebDAVChannel webdav;

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