[Spice-devel] Compression efficiency (was: image-encoders: Initialize Zlib lazily)

Frediano Ziglio fziglio at redhat.com
Tue Jan 29 10:44:57 UTC 2019

About these compression and encodings.

How is ZLib compared to Glz. Glz is really demanding in terms of memory
resources (keep drawable to be freed and the hash table is really huge too).
Is it worth having it?
Is also quite tricky/complicated as is shared amongst different DisplayChannel
connection which could lead to issues.
But if a more simpler Zlib have the same gains without all the complication
maybe would be worth removing Glz.

> Zlib structure take up more than 1MB and it is rarely used nowadays
> as it is not much effective.
> Initialise it only when necessary saving some memory in the normal
> case.
> Signed-off-by: Frediano Ziglio <fziglio at redhat.com>


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