[Spice-devel] spice client using virt-viewer alternative?

Frediano Ziglio fziglio at redhat.com
Wed Sep 11 07:50:33 UTC 2019

> Sorry if these message is not for this department, don't know what mail use
> for doubts like this.

> Always for the client is required to download something like "virt-viewer" to
> connect and watch the machine on the server?
> I mean, I can't make the client to just connect to my page and don't download
> nothing? just connect and click a button.

> My case: I have several users that connects to my page and they do they job,
> and they are always dynamically, always different people.
> They must download virt-viewer to watch the machine on the server or are an
> alternative that doesn't need to download something?

Did you try something like spice-html5 ?
It's not 100% replacement, a full client has, for different reasons, more
features (like usb or multi monitor) but if you mainly want to connect to
remote machine without much expectations/performance could be a good choice.
See https://www.spice-space.org/spice-html5.html.
Very recent spice-server (probably not packaged) does not need websockify.


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