[Spice-devel] SPICE support

Uri Lublin ulublin at redhat.com
Mon Mar 21 16:41:08 UTC 2022

Hi Michael,

On Sat, Mar 19, 2022 at 11:26 AM Michael Toulson <jole169 at outlook.com>

> Hello Spice team
> I been trying to work out what I’m missing
> I have Spice running fine for some time on my main windows pc
> after some time it start having problem
> I did a clean install of windows 10
> I have been trying to trouble shot this for the pass week
> as I have backup and restored backup
> I run a windows 10 VM within Proxmox witch is fine
> but when I try and open the console it download a file when it should of
> had a pop up to open console

It seems you are missing a vv-file mime type binding (and possibly
virt-viewer itself).
On what OS does your remote-viewer run (aka, the client machine)?
Try to re/install virt-viewer (uninstall if it's already installed).

Also, you can try the following and see if it works:
- Download the vv file
- Run remote-viewer <downloaded-vv-file>

Hope that helps,

> could you help me as well show me what I should be downloading to get this
> running i’m so lost at this point on my knows that I did get it running
> last time I had the following
> please help me I tried the IRC with is new for me I have no idea what I
> was doing i’m also on Discord @ EQUALITY_CG#2842
> I really enjoy SPICE when it was working because of the speed was so fast
> then VNC but not sure what to do now as I installed the win x86 as well and
> did not work on the clean install of windows
> Sent from Mail <https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=550986> for
> Windows
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