[Swfdec] Changes to 'refs/tags/0.4.4'

Benjamin Otte company at kemper.freedesktop.org
Fri Apr 27 02:46:48 PDT 2007

Tag '0.4.4' created by Benjamin Otte <otte at gnome.org> at 2007-04-27 10:42 -0700

release 0.4.4 ("Birthday Cards")
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)


Changes since 0.4.1:
Benjamin Otte:
      back to cvs
      fix config.h include and copyright headers
      constify JSClass functions as far as we need them
      apparently we need even more const
      Add a SwfdecScriptable class that functions as the frontend for objects accessible from AS
      make SwfdecNetStream a SwfdecScriptable (nothing else changed)
      call unload function after adjusting size
      add new class SwfdecCached
      rename swfdec_cached_reload to swfdec_cached_use
      use the cache
      get the codec out of SwfdecSound and into the audio objects
      Add skeleton for interpreter
      remove leftover code from when the root movie contained the root script
      add the SwfdecSCript to the stack frame
      implement swfdec_bits_init_from_data to use SwfdecBits without a buffer
      add the constant pool to the stack frame
      implement ConstantPool and Push
      implement GetVariable, fix a missing break in print_push and add better debugging
      implement Trace action
      implement CallMethod and Pop + lots of bugfixing
      add stub for _quality property
      add GetProperty and SetProperty actions
      implement GetMember and Add2 for Flash7
      implement SetMember
      fix string Add2
      push a double, not a float
      fix SetMember
      Fix case handling (don't make it global anymore) and implement SetVariable
      implement Less2 and Greater actions and fix a big bug
      fix binary ops for undefined2-7.swf
      Implement Jump, If and Not
      implement Increment and Decrement
      allow NULL buffer in swfdec_bits_init and 0 length in swfdec_bits_get_buffer
      convert the parsing code to the recent SwfdecBits API
      add a first shot at an swf file editor that is supposed to allow creating
      Merge branch 'interpreter' of ssh://company@git.freedesktop.org/git/swfdec into interpreter
      make it not crash
      print the actual tag name
      ensure _get_nth_child works with token == NULL
      make parsing binary data work
      enable editing of properties
      change read/write to from_string/to_string
      add stubs for saving
      export the entry format and rename it to SwfeditTokenEntry
      ignore 0-length buffers in bufferqueue
      we don't have the header in the uncompressed buffer
      We need at least gtk-2.8
      add swfedit
      implement saving
      remove debugging g_print
      handle tokens without children
      add initial support for auto-extraction of contents
      make the color functions return a SwfdecColor
      implement StringAdd and GetURL, so Steve dances again
      add support for colors and the SetBackground tag
      implement swfdec_js_eval_set
      use swfdec_js_eval_set for SetVariable
      That line must've been accidentally removed somewhere
      rework case sensitivity once again - this time making it global and set only on startup
      use automatic hscrollbars, too
      makee debugging work again
      set property on the right object
      fix _eval to work with the empty string
      avoid strdup in js_eval
      more fixes for swfdec_eval when parsing the scope chain
      use NULL in _eval of SetVariable and GetVariable to walk the scope chain
      fix "this" in swfdec_js_eval
      implement caching in the target's surface type
      various fixes for the previous image decoding cleanups
      Merge branch 'master' into interpreter
      implement alpha handling in a smarter way
      implement naive Add2 for Flash 5 and 6
      implement RandomNumber and PushDuplicate
      ints are ints not uints in Push action
      stop printing out all actions
      implement ActionLess
      another fix for swfdec_js_internal
      implement Equals2 and fix If and Goto to jump correctly
      didn't catch NULL here, oops
      implement SetTarget and SetTarget2
      various fixes to reference the correct this object
      implement StartDrag and EndDrag actions
      implement StopSounds
      implement NewObject
      implement InitObject action
      enable gtk-doc in autogen.sh
      rework audio configuration subsystem
      Merge branch 'master' of ssh://company@git.freedesktop.org/git/swfdec
      add swfedit binary to gitignore
      Merge branch 'master' into interpreter
      catch a case where fun->script is accessed unconditionally
      check !JSVAL_IS_NULL in all JSVAL_IS_OBJECT checks
      fix SwfdecScript reference handling
      implement DefineFunction
      return "[type Function]" from function.toString()
      create a call object for calls to SWF code
      implement CallFunction, BitRShift, BitLShift and BitURShift
      add 2 tests for DefineFunction
      add swfdec_movie_get_path
      implement NextFrame, PreviousFrame, ToInteger, TargetPath, GotoLabel, GotoFrame2
      add test for Color constructor
      make eval (obj, "") return obj and not undefined
      add print function for SetTarget
      handle colors not referring to movies
      implement Equals
      initialize the constant pool as empty
      implement BitAnd, BitOr, BitXor, DefineLocal, DefineLocal2 and Return
      implement ConstantPool inheritance for DefineFunction
      add a column for the type of the object on the stack
      allow calling functions on numbers and strings by converting them to proper objects
      fix to_number conversions for null in Flash 7
      fix object to number conversions in Flash 6
      add test for mathematical operations + - * / on objects
      toString is supposed to output [type Object] for numbers
      various fixes for tests
      add another test that resulted from trying various stuff
      implement WaitForFrame2
      Set clip depth correctly
      when checking available bits fails, consume all bits
      Clean up parsing of actions in PlaceObject2
      Finish compiling at end of bitstream, too, not just with 0 action
      Merge branch 'master' into interpreter
      missing \n
      update SwfdecColor format from RGBA to ARGB
      rework images to be correctly color transformed
      add swfdec_color_transform_is_identity
      rename swfdec_image_get_surface* to swfdec_image_create_surface*
      add debugging message when parsing color transforms
      export images, too
      Merge branch 'master' into interpreter
      that should be == NULL, not != NULL
      fix memleak
      Fix refcounting issue
      Add testing framework for drawing output
      improve image test
      Check action data is available before trying to compile action
      add swfdec_color_apply_transform_premultiplied
      make rendering more accurate
      add first image tests
      fix failed test accumulation when using command line arguments
      list all failed tests at end of run
      ref an audio event when reusing
      only unref result from _audio_event_new if there is something to unref
      Merge branch 'master' into interpreter
      delete the old compiler source files
      add the temporary tmp file
      fix code assuming sound->n_samples is in decoded format instead of 44100kHz
      s/unsigned int/SwfdecColor/ for colors
      add README for image directory
      add failing jpeg test
      improve debugging output
      add swfdec_loader_get_filename()
      use a save icon when saving
      fix potential segfault when DefineFunction is called inside DefineFunction
      Fix crash when trying to use a video stream of a placeholder
      Make the filename be the part of the uri that sits before the first '?' and does not contain a '/'
      up LIBVERSION for added swfdec_loader_get_filename
      update NEWS
      add sound backend choice to NEWS
      release 0.4.2
      back to cvs
      Add swfdec_bits_decompress for zlib decompression of data
      use swfdec_bits_decompress instead of doing it manually
      use swfdec_bits_decompress
      first simple and incomplete implementation of GetURL2
      Merge branch 'master' of ssh://company@git.freedesktop.org/git/swfdec
      Updates to swfedit - it now presents PlaceObject2 tags nicely
      more work in making swfedit useful
      add a libswfedit, so I can use this editing code for more tools
      swf may be used uninitialized in this function
      add swfdec_action_get_name and swfdec_action_get_from_name
      Add swfdec_out_put_data
      Add swfedit_token_set to set by index
      automatically update size fields
      add swfscript - a tool to batch-modify scripts of existing SWF files
      Merge branch 'master' of ssh://company@git.freedesktop.org/git/swfdec
      fix rowstride computation in jpeg3 case
      Handle failed pattern creation during parsing
      Allow NULL data in swfdec_bits_init_data
      Update some parsing code to the 21st century
      to_string should work if there's no script
      move the DefineFont tags to swfdec_font.c
      handle non-existing shape case
      rework tag_func_define_font to be more pedantic
      Implement DefineFont3
      add copyright header
      Add code to convert to/from application/x-www-form-urlencoded mime type
      Add testing for urlencode functions
      add swfscript
      round the width and height instead of just casting
      add another test for the width/height changes
      fix invalid code that caused crashes when parsing kerning tables
      implement DefineFunction2 partially
      implement ActionDelete
      implement StoreRegister and pushing registers in ActionPush
      implement ActionModulo
      make DefineFunction2 work
      use this as parent in DefineFunction
      add 2 tests for function scopes
      Add swfdec_player_set_loader_with_variables stub
      add missing print function for GetURL2
      add -_. to nonescaped chars in x-www-form-urlencoded
      test unescaped chars
      add swfdec_scriptable_set_variables to set variables on the scriptable's JSObject
      use swfdec_scriptable_set_variables if variables are set on the loader
      implement --variables or -v flag to provide Flash variables
      apparently / doesn't get escaped either
      move SwfdecColor definition to swfdec_types.h
      rework background color handling
      document swfdec_movie_get_mouse
      make all scripts have a call object
      the parent of root is undefined
      check the parent of root really is undefined
      only update the script if the script really changed
      warn if a function does not exist, so it's easy to see what to implement
      test that calling an undefined function does not abort execution
      set buffer to NULL if not used, so we don't unref it later
      make sure we really interrupt when breakpoints are set
      named functions belong to this, not to the scope chain
      Do not lookup flags from bytecode when using Flash bytecodes
      various small fixes
      allow timeouts to be destroyed by a destroy function
      register variables are 1-indexed
      shuffle disposing around again so timeouts get properly removed
      arguments.toString() returns the empty string
      Freeing of timeouts doesn't work - revert to old system
      add check to ensure preloading works
      add tests for setInterval/clearInterval
      implement setInterval and clearInterval
      It looks like Flash doesn't create a local scope for the entry scripts, so don't do it either
      add test for local scope using DefineLocal
      Add missing \n to print statements
      Add a warning in CallMethod if a function doesn't exist
      andle quitting in breakpoint while feeding data
      make the actions take any gpointer instead of just SwfdecMovies for actions
      add SwfdecListener
      call _perform_actions after scheduling timeouts
      implement Mouse.addListener() and Mouse.removeListener()
      handle NULL input when converting args
      fix getting the current target, so that it works with scope chains
      rework SetVariable, SetProperty and GetProperty
      implement getNextHighestDepth ()
      add debug warning about missing constructors
      implement NetConnection object in a pretty stubbed form
      add simple test for NetConnection
      rework Loader <=> LoaderTarget interaction
      make swfdec_loader_error a properly exported function
      implement swfdec_player_load
      call the parse function after an error
      implement the downloading part of the XML object
      Fix read-out-of-bounds when processing valid strings
      Some changes to make API of NetStream more like AS NetStream
      add NetStream stub
      fix swfdec_scriptable_set_variables again
      register the classes with the objects for NetConnection, NetStream and XML
      print the class name instead of "Object" as the type
      Merge branch 'master' of ssh://company@git.freedesktop.org/git/swfdec
      add swfdec_scriptable_from_object
      remove if 0'ed code that lay dormant since 0.3
      mark properties from attached movies DontDelete and ReadOnly
      implement NetStream.play ()
      rework video embedding API
      add Video class
      fix default parser
      fix how we handle FLV streams so it works with modified SwfdecLoaderTarget
      Add a hack to allow adding actions that get executed "no matter what"
      new function swfdec_loader_queue_parse()
      reset decoder to NULL in error case
      use swfdec_loader_queue_parse here
      use swfdec_loader_queue_parse() here, too
      make swfdec_flv_decoder_get_video/audio more robust
      unref connection and stream after setting them
      fix video scaling is correct
      : is an unescaped character for formencoded
      improve debugging
      register the loader correctly
      No need for storing the player in the script anymore
      read DoInitAction contents
      implement ActionInitArray
      add array test
      implement ActionToNumber
      implement Delete2
      only remove movie as property if it is one
      allow attaching runtime data to characters
      use per-character data to check if movie's DoInitAction has been run,
      oops, the cairo requirement should be >= 1.2 not >= 0.4
      implement ActionSwap
      add swfdec_js_object_is_movieclip
      implement TypeOf
      handle constructor prototypes correctly
      add 2 tests for prototypes
      apaprently i'm too stupid to implement ActionSwap correctly
      really delete properties, don't just pretend to
      Add swfdec_scriptable_(can_)execute
      output trace messages in the window
      add support for onFoo events in addition to frame events loaded from the file
      add event-order tets that checks onFoo and foo events are executed in the right order
      use a hash table to store characters for faster indexing by id
      make the frame_id implicit in some calls
      even more functions don't take a frame_id anymore but use parse_frame
      keep a list of current contents while parsing for faster lookup when
      update to list -> hash table change in SwfdecSwfDecoder
      that change was not supposed to exist in the repos yet
      actually test something here
      fix swfdec_value_to_frame to handle weird cases
      add GotoFrame2 test
      seems I'm too stupid to really add files
      add debugging output
      make SwfdecSpriteAction type be a uint so we can use different enums
      add SwfdecRootSprite - a sprite that manages "root actions"
      exports are no longer handled in the SwfDecoder
      remove any mention of character data and SwfdecSpriteInfo
      use the right variable here
      omit object name for missing functions instead of always printing "global"
      support _global variable
      implement the DoInitAction part of root actions
      implement ExportAssets functionality
      implement attachMovie
      add 2 testcases
      whoops, forgot to update this file
      warn about not handling initObject
      add swfdec_js_construct_object
      change MovieClip JS object handling
      if no class is specified, get the class from the constructor
      use swfdec_js_construct_object
      add swfdec_root_movie_get_export_name
      add support for attaching a ActionScript class to a sprite export
      register the standard objects before registering the global stuff
      implement Object.registerClass
      This function returns a boolean (TRUE on success, FALSE on failure)
      remove leftover g_print
      implement ActionGetTime
      unregister trace signal when unsetting player
      still return JS_TRUE in the failure case, JS_FALSE is for OOM
      use constructors registered via Object.registerClass
      add test for MovieClip's prototype and property handling
      add an spend member to JSStackFrame to track the end of the stack
      improve stack management
      Those files seem to be missing for ages
      add libswfedit.la files
      set the function as property on the scope chain, not on this
      add *.swf and *.flv files to .gitignore
      rework toString
      add a new test
      add test for empty stack treatment
      actually adjust the stack pointer after adjusting the stack (d'oh)
      add file used to generate empty-stack test with ming
      fix handling of missing arguments to be in line with the official player
      add test for various stack underruns with ActionCallFunction
      get rid of undefined symbols
      implement ActionExtends
      Add 2 new tests for ActionExtends
      JSIdArray length should be unsigned
      implement ToString, Add and Or actions
      test And and Or actions
      check undefined to string conversions
      use swfdec_js_is_movieclip to get around undefined symbols
      JSIDArrays have an unsigned length now
      for absolute URIs, print a warning and then load them relative
      some small fixes
      print ConstantPool id next to the string
      Try to reverse engineer the function name for anonymous functions
      put the sprite id of the init action into the script name
      make this more debugger-friendly
      print constant pool strings verbatim instead of printing "Pool x"
      Merge branch 'master' of ssh://company@git.freedesktop.org/git/swfdec
      Merge branch 'master' of ssh://company@git.freedesktop.org/git/swfdec
      Dear gcc, this variable can never be undefined, but it might be a bit hard for you to figure out why, so I've NULL'ed it for you.
      add copyright header
      compute number of stack slots correctly
      export js_AllocRawStack and js_FreeRawStack
      use js_Free/AllocRawStack instead of js_Free/AllocStack
      Merge branch 'master' of ssh://company@git.freedesktop.org/git/swfdec
      change the way swfdec_loader_load works.
      Don't return immediately in swfdec_loader_target_parse if the loader is in error
      change sematics of trace test slightly
      use the movie's JSClass
      add currently crashing test
      Fix crash when setInterval is used with arguments
      implement onStatus events
      implement NetStream.setBufferTime
      add 2 tests for onStatus messages
      update the README to include information about source files
      parse KeyPress events correctly
      put debug message in front
      Merge branch 'master' of ssh://company@git.freedesktop.org/git/swfdec
      add an init_queue and a construct_queue for movies pending initialization or construction
      use the init and construct queue
      I noticed this g_print often enough now
      net streams can signal eof now (if they were set to eof before)
      rework iterations to allow for construct and initialize events.
      Add movie-added and movie-removed signals
      handle adding/removing movies from parent differently, so that movie-added/removed signals work
      display all live movies
      inherit the scope chain from the current scope chain, not from this
      add swfdec_debugger_run and replace swfdebug's run command with it
      add debugging message
      Merge branch 'master' of ssh://company@git.freedesktop.org/git/swfdec
      mention browser plugins in the README
      remove contents from lookup table in error paths
      remove contents from lookup table in error paths
      add the concept of data types so we can identify what we load
      fix scope chains in Flash 5
      add function scope tests
      add a test for negative color transforms
      print "OK" when a test succeeded
      fix filename computation
      (attempt to) work around http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=156643
      update the list of header files to exclude
      add new functions to the docs
      add an intro for the new Enumerations section in the docs
      document SwfdecLoaderDataType
      allow --disable-ffmpeg and --disable-mad configure options (#10333, Mikel Olasagasti)
      Merge branch 'master' of ssh://company@git.freedesktop.org/git/swfdec
      make Spidermonkey 64bit clean
      make this code use unsigned variables so array indexes get 64bit clean
      fix swfdec_action_init_object indexing pointer arrays with overflowing uints instead of ulongs
      fix printf arguments to be 64bit clean
      performance: don't create ARGB surfaces for video
      implement NetStream::pause
      add GLOBAL_CFLAGS to tests, too - they should get -Wall, too
      return a const component_ptr
      invisible movies don't receive click events
      emit onFoo events on the button's JS object
      remove leftover g_print's
      another g_print has to go
      in ActionDelete, only remove one item from the stack, not two
      Merge branch 'master' of ssh://company@git.freedesktop.org/git/swfdec
      handle data tags
      set the decoder after setting the loader
      parent onLoad events happen before child onLoad events
      add test that checks child/parent onLoad order
      add swfdec_bits_get_bdouble for querying big endian doubles
      add initial support for handling AMF encoded data
      handle data tags by calling a function on the NEtStream object using the AMF-decoded data.
      some improvements to SwfdecBits
      Merge branch 'master' of ssh://company@git.freedesktop.org/git/swfdec
      compute the skip offset correctly when upsampling
      implement warning about missing properties, but disable by default.
      remove env var SWFDEC_DEBUG_ABORT - we have a real debuggger now
      remove SWFDEC_JS env var and related debugging stuff
      set default debug level to ERROR for releases
      Output some info on what packages might be missing
      don't readd Timeout on EOF
      no more type punned pointers
      add time property
      emit a Buffer.Full when we're full and in eof
      add swfdec_loader_[gs]et_size
      API was broken by adding new members to SwfdecLoader struct, so update libversion
      implement swfdec_loader_get_loaded to query the already loaded amount of bytes
      make named functions set varobj, not scopeChain
      implement NetStream::bytesLoaded and NetStream::bytesTotal
      add a test to confirm that registerClass does not effect previous instances
      add some fixes for number conversion
      compute new width/height relative to original width/height, not current one
      update to new SwfdecLoader stuff
      Merge branch 'master' of ssh://company@git.freedesktop.org/git/swfdec
      add tests to make sure DoAction and PlaceObject triggered actions
      update expected results for 2 tests
      add a new test for division
      Fix division code
      clarify the g_warning: It's a cairo error
      if an image failed to decode, don't render it
      non-invertible matrix is only INFO
      implement seeking to keyframes
      implement NetStream.seek
      remove the audio stream on EOS
      update NEWS
      update SwfdecBuffer to swfdec API standards
      OOps, update the header, too
      Change name in title from SWFDEC to Swfdec
      use the right name for this file
      change all conversions JSObject->SwfdecMovie to not assert on failure but silently return
      fix include line to include the correct builddir
      release 0.4.3
      back to cvs
      change semantics of SwfdecBits.idx handling
      Add function swfdec_bits_init_bits
      Add build infrastructure for a libswfdec-gtk
      movie libswfdecui to libswfdec-gtk and make libswfdec-gtk an installed library
      prepare the gtk widget for exporting its API
      apparently I can't name functions correctly
      hook up libswfdec-gtk
      Use a SwfdecPlayback struct instead of gpointer
      Add API docs
      hack to convince gtk-doc to read two subdirs for docs
      add swfdec_iterate_source_set_speed
      Add SwfdecGtkPlayer
      update the docs for SwfdecGtkPlayer
      update to use SwfdecGtkPlayer
      enable audio playback by default
      add a default header
      copy/paste ...
      WE want libswfdec-gtk.so not libswfdec.so
      remove debugging g_print
      install headers into the right directory
      set the source to NULL when removing it
      Merge branch 'master' of ssh://company@git.freedesktop.org/git/swfdec
      print better error message when required cairo isn't available
      make SwfdecBuffer and SwfdecBufferQueue boxed types
      s/unsigned int/guint/ to ease Python bindings
      Change the semantics of swfdec_loader_new_from_file
      Add a loader that loads other stuff than files (in particular http)
      Merge branch 'master' of ssh://company@git.freedesktop.org/git/swfdec
      update docs
      this debugging message is not that important
      Do not ref the player anymore
      Do not ref the player anymore
      include the file name in error messages
      fix a memleak
      fix a leak which caused whole videos to be leaked
      get rid of the constant pool in swfdec_script_interpret, since we allocate it there
      one config.h include too many
      call gnome_vfs_make_uri_from_input on provided URI
      implement first try at GStreamer codecs
      fix depth in debugging message
      make this work
      add gross hack to avoid losing sync
      revamp the codec API to take the format as a parameter to the init function
      back out calling gnome_vfs_make_uri_from_input()
      fix gnome-vfs integratrion to use the right conversion func
      revamp the video decoding API
      update the audio codec subsystem
      document swfdec_buffer_queue_pull_buffer
      add initial support to eval Flash 4 properties with ':'
      only spawn a new audio stream if there really is something to decode
      implement StringEquals action
      eval "/:foo" too
      make GStreamer do MP3 audio
      enable gst by default - it works now
      tell help string that GStreamer is enabled now
      whoops, use the right identifiers and not the gst identifiers
      fix ADPCM to actually not crash upon creation
      Add initial support PlaceObject3
      add copyright header
      use current scale, not user-set one
      split out the stroke pattern as a seperate object.
      fix crash with 0x0 sized movies (fixes #10629)
      that function should be static
      Make stroke and pattern 2 different objects
      implement the Flash 8 linestyle reading
      oops, wrong order
      implement DefineShape4 in a very unsupported way
      implement focal gradients
      make hitTest not crash if the movie's parents don't match
      end print with a \n
      fix some debug messages
      fix possible error with referencing realloc'ed memory
      add FIXME
      make swfdec_bits_get_string_length read 0-byte strings
      use swfdec_bits_get_buffer instead of manually fuzzing with the SwfdecBits structure
      read font names sanely
      clarify beahviour of swfdec_bits_get_buffer
      handle 0 bytes of input gracefully
      fix swfcdec_script_new to not touch the SwfdecBits struct directly
      sanely skip offsets in DefineFont2
      handle morph shape offset sanely
      Fix various failures to sanely read buffers
      only convert variable names if they exist
      movies without a rate don't have sound
      avoid overflow issues when bytes is near MAXUINT
      it's not this code's job to syncbits
      break out of loop if no more bits are available
      break the ExportAssets loop if no more bytes are available
      return if no data is available
      add more characters that aren't escaped
      graphic may not be NULL
      update GStreamer requirement
      remove leftover debugging statement
      query mouse cursor when widget _is_ interactive
      fix security problem with overreading available data
      change jpeg_decoder_error so the SWFDEC_ERROR prints the correct line number
      fix memleak
      add code to ignore SOI and EOI markers
      now that the jpeg lib ignores SOI and EOI properly, there's no longer a need to do it here
      update NEWS
      we don't like exports without names
      handle the 0-byte tag length case in the debug message
      Change intriduction in docs to be struct-specific
      be a bit more sane on command line errors
      document the rest of the functions and make some of them return guint
      make sure to never call a parse function for a sprite that has all frames parsed
      Merge branch 'master' of ssh://company@git.freedesktop.org/git/swfdec
      use the right macro to get the function name
      replace all FOO_REQUIRES with FOO_VER
      we require at least glib 2.4 for some queue functions
      make sure the same depth and state aren't taken twice in buttons
      break out of gradient loop when no more bits are available
      handle removal of movies that aren't inited/constructed without crashing
      make the font parsing loops exit on no more data
      fail nicely if decompressed size is too big
      we wanna ship jpeg_internal.h
      fix includes for make distcheck
      constify const functions (James A. Morrison)
      add release name
      update README
      Merge branch 'master' of ssh://company@git.freedesktop.org/git/swfdec
      add workaround for old cairo versions
      add missing headers
      parse the closing tag
      parse the closing tag
      allow creating empty scripts
      check the srcdir env variable when no arguiments are given and prefer it to "."
      fix errors exposed by the now working make distcheck
      release 0.4.4

Chris Wilson:
      Fix minor leak of function_name.
      Free the path data when disposing the morph shape.
      Unref the cached value when disposing the SwfdecCached.
      Free the glyph array along with the font.

David Schleef:
      Pull fixes from Cog.  Adds a strict field.  Refactors how EOI and SOI

Debian User:
      Change chroma upscaling from nearest neighbor to bilinear
      Merge branch 'master' of git+ssh://git.freedesktop.org/git/swfdec
      Merge jpeg library from liboil/examples/jpeg.  The API has changed
      Bump cairo requirement to 1.2
      Merge branch 'master' of git+ssh://git.freedesktop.org/git/swfdec
      Merge branch 'master' of git+ssh://git.freedesktop.org/git/swfdec
      Quick hack to block out some bad JPEG images.  Fixed JPEG decoder
      Merge branch 'master' of git+ssh://git.freedesktop.org/git/swfdec
      Write better error messages for missing packages
      Merge branch 'master' of git+ssh://git.freedesktop.org/git/swfdec
      Remove gtk_init(), since it fails if it can't find an X server
      Merge branch 'master' of git+ssh://git.freedesktop.org/git/swfdec
      Merge branch 'master' of git+ssh://git.freedesktop.org/git/swfdec
      Merge branch 'master' of git+ssh://git.freedesktop.org/git/swfdec
      Copy over updated JPEG decoder from Cog.
      Merge branch 'master' of git+ssh://git.freedesktop.org/git/swfdec
      Fix the spurious SOI and EOI markers by copying JPEG data into a
      Out-of-range indexes in a colormap appear to be transparent.  At least,
      Merge changes from cog.

Johan Dahlin:
      Compiler fixes (fixes #10551)

Laszlo (Laca) Peter:
      Bug #9660: Fix build on Solaris.

 Makefile.am                                      |   10 
 NEWS                                             |   40 
 README                                           |   15 
 autogen.sh                                       |    2 
 configure.ac                                     |  202 +
 doc/Makefile.am                                  |   42 
 doc/swfdec-docs.sgml                             |   11 
 doc/swfdec-sections.txt                          |  102 
 doc/swfdec.types                                 |    4 
 libswfdec-gtk/.gitignore                         |   14 
 libswfdec-gtk/Makefile.am                        |   45 
 libswfdec-gtk/swfdec-gtk.h                       |   18 
 libswfdec-gtk/swfdec_gtk_loader.c                |  246 +
 libswfdec-gtk/swfdec_gtk_loader.h                |   44 
 libswfdec-gtk/swfdec_gtk_player.c                |  340 ++
 libswfdec-gtk/swfdec_gtk_player.h                |   57 
 libswfdec-gtk/swfdec_gtk_widget.c                |  717 +++++
 libswfdec-gtk/swfdec_gtk_widget.h                |   73 
 libswfdec-gtk/swfdec_playback.h                  |    8 
 libswfdec-gtk/swfdec_playback_alsa.c             |   34 
 libswfdec-gtk/swfdec_playback_none.c             |   38 
 libswfdec-gtk/swfdec_source.c                    |   41 
 libswfdec-gtk/swfdec_source.h                    |    2 
 libswfdec/Makefile.am                            |   52 
 libswfdec/jpeg/Makefile.am                       |   34 
 libswfdec/jpeg/bits.h                            |  134 
 libswfdec/jpeg/cogcompat.h                       |   14 
 libswfdec/jpeg/huffman.c                         |  190 -
 libswfdec/jpeg/huffman.h                         |   32 
 libswfdec/jpeg/jpeg.c                            | 1170 ++++----
 libswfdec/jpeg/jpeg.h                            |   80 
 libswfdec/jpeg/jpeg_bits.c                       |  154 +
 libswfdec/jpeg/jpeg_bits.h                       |   32 
 libswfdec/jpeg/jpeg_debug.h                      |   28 
 libswfdec/jpeg/jpeg_huffman.c                    |  170 +
 libswfdec/jpeg/jpeg_huffman.h                    |   37 
 libswfdec/jpeg/jpeg_internal.h                   |  176 -
 libswfdec/jpeg/jpeg_markers.h                    |   44 
 libswfdec/jpeg/jpeg_rgb_decoder.c                |  390 +-
 libswfdec/jpeg/jpeg_rgb_decoder.h                |   17 
 libswfdec/jpeg/jpeg_rgb_internal.h               |   30 
 libswfdec/jpeg/jpeg_tables.c                     |   54 
 libswfdec/jpeg/test.c                            |  116 
 libswfdec/jpeg/test_rgb.c                        |  128 
 libswfdec/js/Makefile.am                         |    2 
 libswfdec/js/jsapi.c                             |   11 
 libswfdec/js/jsapi.h                             |    8 
 libswfdec/js/jsatom.c                            |    2 
 libswfdec/js/jsatom.h                            |    6 
 libswfdec/js/jsdhash.c                           |    2 
 libswfdec/js/jsfun.c                             |   16 
 libswfdec/js/jsfun.h                             |    3 
 libswfdec/js/jsgc.c                              |   34 
 libswfdec/js/jsinterp.c                          |   26 
 libswfdec/js/jsinterp.h                          |   11 
 libswfdec/js/jsnum.c                             |   10 
 libswfdec/js/jsobj.c                             |   83 
 libswfdec/js/jsobj.h                             |   16 
 libswfdec/js/jsopcode.c                          |   10 
 libswfdec/js/jspubtd.h                           |    4 
 libswfdec/js/jsscope.c                           |    2 
 libswfdec/js/jsscope.h                           |    2 
 libswfdec/js/jsstr.c                             |    2 
 libswfdec/js/jstypes.h                           |   13 
 libswfdec/swfdec_amf.c                           |  230 +
 libswfdec/swfdec_amf.h                           |   59 
 libswfdec/swfdec_audio_event.c                   |    1 
 libswfdec/swfdec_audio_event.h                   |    2 
 libswfdec/swfdec_audio_flv.c                     |   62 
 libswfdec/swfdec_audio_flv.h                     |    8 
 libswfdec/swfdec_audio_stream.c                  |   61 
 libswfdec/swfdec_audio_stream.h                  |    8 
 libswfdec/swfdec_bits.c                          |  378 ++
 libswfdec/swfdec_bits.h                          |   45 
 libswfdec/swfdec_buffer.c                        |  357 ++
 libswfdec/swfdec_buffer.h                        |   62 
 libswfdec/swfdec_button_movie.c                  |   38 
 libswfdec/swfdec_cache.c                         |   40 
 libswfdec/swfdec_cache.h                         |   33 
 libswfdec/swfdec_cached.c                        |  122 
 libswfdec/swfdec_cached.h                        |   65 
 libswfdec/swfdec_codec.c                         |  171 -
 libswfdec/swfdec_codec.h                         |   83 
 libswfdec/swfdec_codec_adpcm.c                   |  156 -
 libswfdec/swfdec_codec_audio.c                   |  246 +
 libswfdec/swfdec_codec_audio.h                   |   60 
 libswfdec/swfdec_codec_ffmpeg.c                  |  216 -
 libswfdec/swfdec_codec_gst.c                     |  543 +++
 libswfdec/swfdec_codec_mad.c                     |  127 
 libswfdec/swfdec_codec_screen.c                  |  140 -
 libswfdec/swfdec_codec_video.c                   |  151 +
 libswfdec/swfdec_codec_video.h                   |   57 
 libswfdec/swfdec_color.c                         |  102 
 libswfdec/swfdec_color.h                         |   40 
 libswfdec/swfdec_compiler.c                      | 1514 ----------
 libswfdec/swfdec_compiler.h                      |   22 
 libswfdec/swfdec_connection.c                    |  123 
 libswfdec/swfdec_connection.h                    |   57 
 libswfdec/swfdec_debug.c                         |   18 
 libswfdec/swfdec_debug.h                         |    8 
 libswfdec/swfdec_debugger.c                      |  273 +
 libswfdec/swfdec_debugger.h                      |   19 
 libswfdec/swfdec_edittext.c                      |    9 
 libswfdec/swfdec_edittext.h                      |   10 
 libswfdec/swfdec_edittext_movie.c                |   44 
 libswfdec/swfdec_event.c                         |  110 
 libswfdec/swfdec_event.h                         |   11 
 libswfdec/swfdec_flv_decoder.c                   |  242 +
 libswfdec/swfdec_flv_decoder.h                   |   17 
 libswfdec/swfdec_font.c                          |  348 ++
 libswfdec/swfdec_font.h                          |   18 
 libswfdec/swfdec_html_parser.c                   |    2 
 libswfdec/swfdec_image.c                         |  585 ++--
 libswfdec/swfdec_image.h                         |   40 
 libswfdec/swfdec_js.c                            |  283 +-
 libswfdec/swfdec_js.h                            |   25 
 libswfdec/swfdec_js_color.c                      |   55 
 libswfdec/swfdec_js_connection.c                 |   95 
 libswfdec/swfdec_js_global.c                     |  209 +
 libswfdec/swfdec_js_mouse.c                      |   30 
 libswfdec/swfdec_js_movie.c                      |  893 ++++--
 libswfdec/swfdec_js_net_stream.c                 |  221 +
 libswfdec/swfdec_js_sound.c                      |    7 
 libswfdec/swfdec_js_video.c                      |  100 
 libswfdec/swfdec_js_xml.c                        |   87 
 libswfdec/swfdec_listener.c                      |  184 +
 libswfdec/swfdec_listener.h                      |   42 
 libswfdec/swfdec_loader.c                        |  617 +++-
 libswfdec/swfdec_loader.h                        |   41 
 libswfdec/swfdec_loader_internal.h               |   39 
 libswfdec/swfdec_loadertarget.c                  |   98 
 libswfdec/swfdec_loadertarget.h                  |    6 
 libswfdec/swfdec_morph_movie.c                   |   20 
 libswfdec/swfdec_morphshape.c                    |   10 
 libswfdec/swfdec_morphshape.h                    |    4 
 libswfdec/swfdec_movie.c                         |  144 -
 libswfdec/swfdec_movie.h                         |   23 
 libswfdec/swfdec_net_stream.c                    |  352 +-
 libswfdec/swfdec_net_stream.h                    |   28 
 libswfdec/swfdec_pattern.c                       |  398 --
 libswfdec/swfdec_pattern.h                       |   40 
 libswfdec/swfdec_player.c                        |  330 +-
 libswfdec/swfdec_player.h                        |   14 
 libswfdec/swfdec_player_internal.h               |   39 
 libswfdec/swfdec_root_movie.c                    |  116 
 libswfdec/swfdec_root_movie.h                    |   18 
 libswfdec/swfdec_root_sprite.c                   |  177 +
 libswfdec/swfdec_root_sprite.h                   |   65 
 libswfdec/swfdec_script.c                        | 3183 +++++++++++++++++++++++
 libswfdec/swfdec_script.h                        |   99 
 libswfdec/swfdec_scriptable.c                    |  304 ++
 libswfdec/swfdec_scriptable.h                    |   78 
 libswfdec/swfdec_shape.c                         |  162 -
 libswfdec/swfdec_shape.h                         |   19 
 libswfdec/swfdec_sound.c                         |  230 -
 libswfdec/swfdec_sound.h                         |   42 
 libswfdec/swfdec_sprite.c                        |  241 +
 libswfdec/swfdec_sprite.h                        |   25 
 libswfdec/swfdec_sprite_movie.c                  |  149 -
 libswfdec/swfdec_sprite_movie.h                  |    7 
 libswfdec/swfdec_stroke.c                        |  313 ++
 libswfdec/swfdec_stroke.h                        |   82 
 libswfdec/swfdec_swf_decoder.c                   |  159 -
 libswfdec/swfdec_swf_decoder.h                   |   12 
 libswfdec/swfdec_tag.c                           |  355 --
 libswfdec/swfdec_text.c                          |   17 
 libswfdec/swfdec_text.h                          |    2 
 libswfdec/swfdec_types.h                         |    8 
 libswfdec/swfdec_video.c                         |   80 
 libswfdec/swfdec_video.h                         |    9 
 libswfdec/swfdec_video_movie.c                   |   61 
 libswfdec/swfdec_video_movie.h                   |   19 
 libswfdec/swfdec_xml.c                           |  190 +
 libswfdec/swfdec_xml.h                           |   59 
 player/.gitignore                                |    4 
 player/Makefile.am                               |   35 
 player/swfdebug.c                                |  114 
 player/swfdec_debug_movies.c                     |  369 ++
 player/swfdec_debug_movies.h                     |   64 
 player/swfdec_debug_script.c                     |    2 
 player/swfdec_debug_scripts.c                    |    2 
 player/swfdec_debug_stack.c                      |   33 
 player/swfdec_debug_widget.c                     |   25 
 player/swfdec_debug_widget.h                     |    8 
 player/swfdec_player_manager.c                   |  109 
 player/swfdec_slow_loader.c                      |   20 
 player/swfdec_widget.c                           |  450 ---
 player/swfdec_widget.h                           |   73 
 player/swfplay.c                                 |   75 
 swfdec-gtk.pc.in                                 |   11 
 swfdec.pc.in                                     |    2 
 test/.gitignore                                  |    5 
 test/Makefile.am                                 |   46 
 test/dump.c                                      |  127 
 test/image/.gitignore                            |   11 
 test/image/Makefile.am                           |   21 
 test/image/README                                |   52 
 test/image/bw.jpg                                |binary
 test/image/color-transform-add80-alpha.swf       |binary
 test/image/color-transform-add80-alpha.swf.png   |binary
 test/image/color-transform-add80.swf             |binary
 test/image/color-transform-add80.swf.png         |binary
 test/image/image-jpeg-alpha.swf                  |binary
 test/image/image-jpeg-alpha.swf.png              |binary
 test/image/image-lossless-alpha.swf              |binary
 test/image/image-lossless-alpha.swf.png          |binary
 test/image/image.c                               |  251 +
 test/image/negative-color-transform.c            |   32 
 test/image/negative-color-transform.swf          |binary
 test/image/negative-color-transform.swf.png      |binary
 test/parse.c                                     |   16 
 test/sound/Makefile.am                           |    6 
 test/sound/downsample.c                          |    2 
 test/sound/sound.c                               |   57 
 test/swfdec-extract.c                            |   38 
 test/swfdec_out.c                                |  383 ++
 test/swfdec_out.h                                |   88 
 test/swfedit.c                                   |  138 
 test/swfedit_file.c                              |  297 ++
 test/swfedit_file.h                              |   60 
 test/swfedit_list.c                              |  149 +
 test/swfedit_list.h                              |   61 
 test/swfedit_tag.c                               |  507 +++
 test/swfedit_tag.h                               |   83 
 test/swfedit_token.c                             |  798 +++++
 test/swfedit_token.h                             |  109 
 test/swfscript.c                                 |  301 ++
 test/trace/.gitignore                            |    1 
 test/trace/DoInitAction-once.swf                 |binary
 test/trace/DoInitAction-once.swf.trace           |   12 
 test/trace/DoInitAction-this.swf                 |binary
 test/trace/DoInitAction-this.swf.trace           |    4 
 test/trace/ExportAssets.swf                      |binary
 test/trace/ExportAssets.swf.trace                |    9 
 test/trace/Makefile.am                           |  106 
 test/trace/README                                |   40 
 test/trace/and-or-5.swf                          |binary
 test/trace/and-or-5.swf.trace                    |  801 +++++
 test/trace/and-or-6.swf                          |binary
 test/trace/and-or-6.swf.trace                    |  649 ++++
 test/trace/and-or-7.swf                          |binary
 test/trace/and-or-7.swf.trace                    |  801 +++++
 test/trace/array.swf                             |binary
 test/trace/array.swf.trace                       |    8 
 test/trace/callfunction-stack.as                 |   44 
 test/trace/callfunction-stack.swf                |binary
 test/trace/callfunction-stack.swf.trace          |   14 
 test/trace/classes.swf                           |binary
 test/trace/classes.swf.trace                     |    3 
 test/trace/color-new.swf                         |binary
 test/trace/color-new.swf.trace                   |   10 
 test/trace/constructor-prototype.swf             |binary
 test/trace/constructor-prototype.swf.trace       |    4 
 test/trace/divide-7.swf                          |binary
 test/trace/divide-7.swf.trace                    |  169 +
 test/trace/divide.as                             |    9 
 test/trace/doaction-after-placeobject.swf        |binary
 test/trace/doaction-after-placeobject.swf.trace  |    3 
 test/trace/doaction-before-placeobject.c         |   38 
 test/trace/doaction-before-placeobject.swf       |binary
 test/trace/doaction-before-placeobject.swf.trace |    3 
 test/trace/empty-stack.as                        |    7 
 test/trace/empty-stack.swf                       |binary
 test/trace/empty-stack.swf.trace                 |    2 
 test/trace/event-order.swf                       |binary
 test/trace/event-order.swf.trace                 |   26 
 test/trace/extends-simple.swf                    |binary
 test/trace/extends-simple.swf.trace              |    5 
 test/trace/extends-super.swf                     |binary
 test/trace/extends-super.swf.trace               |    9 
 test/trace/function-prototype-chain.swf          |binary
 test/trace/function-prototype-chain.swf.trace    |    4 
 test/trace/function-scope-5.swf                  |binary
 test/trace/function-scope-5.swf.trace            |    3 
 test/trace/function-scope-6.swf                  |binary
 test/trace/function-scope-6.swf.trace            |    3 
 test/trace/function-scope-7.swf                  |binary
 test/trace/function-scope-7.swf.trace            |    3 
 test/trace/function-scope.as                     |   18 
 test/trace/function-undefined.swf                |binary
 test/trace/function-undefined.swf.trace          |    2 
 test/trace/function1.swf                         |binary
 test/trace/function1.swf.trace                   |   50 
 test/trace/function2.swf                         |binary
 test/trace/function2.swf.trace                   |    2 
 test/trace/gotoframe.swf                         |binary
 test/trace/gotoframe.swf.trace                   |   13 
 test/trace/height4.swf                           |binary
 test/trace/height4.swf.trace                     |    5 
 test/trace/local.swf                             |binary
 test/trace/local.swf.trace                       |    3 
 test/trace/netconnection.swf                     |binary
 test/trace/netconnection.swf.trace               |    6 
 test/trace/netstream-onstatus-notfound.as        |   14 
 test/trace/netstream-onstatus-notfound.swf       |binary
 test/trace/netstream-onstatus-notfound.swf.trace |    6 
 test/trace/netstream-onstatus.c                  |   44 
 test/trace/netstream-onstatus.swf                |binary
 test/trace/netstream-onstatus.swf.trace          |   12 
 test/trace/number.swf                            |binary
 test/trace/number.swf.trace                      |    9 
 test/trace/object-math-5.swf                     |binary
 test/trace/object-math-5.swf.trace               |   17 
 test/trace/object-math-6.swf                     |binary
 test/trace/object-math-6.swf.trace               |   17 
 test/trace/object-math-7.swf                     |binary
 test/trace/object-math-7.swf.trace               |   17 
 test/trace/onload-childparent.c                  |   38 
 test/trace/onload-childparent.swf                |binary
 test/trace/onload-childparent.swf.trace          |    3 
 test/trace/parent-root.swf                       |binary
 test/trace/parent-root.swf.trace                 |    2 
 test/trace/preload.swf                           |binary
 test/trace/preload.swf.trace                     |    4 
 test/trace/prototypes.swf                        |binary
 test/trace/prototypes.swf.trace                  |    7 
 test/trace/registerclass-previous.c              |   49 
 test/trace/registerclass-previous.swf            |binary
 test/trace/registerclass-previous.swf.trace      |    3 
 test/trace/registerclass-properties.swf          |binary
 test/trace/registerclass-properties.swf.trace    |    7 
 test/trace/scope.swf                             |binary
 test/trace/scope.swf.trace                       |    2 
 test/trace/scope2.swf                            |binary
 test/trace/scope2.swf.trace                      |    2 
 test/trace/setinterval-arguments.as              |    4 
 test/trace/setinterval-arguments.swf             |binary
 test/trace/setinterval-arguments.swf.trace       |    4 
 test/trace/setinterval-clear.swf                 |binary
 test/trace/setinterval-clear.swf.trace           |    3 
 test/trace/setinterval.swf                       |binary
 test/trace/setinterval.swf.trace                 |   21 
 test/trace/setinterval2.swf                      |binary
 test/trace/setinterval2.swf.trace                |    5 
 test/trace/trace.c                               |   41 
 test/trace/undefined-tostring.swf                |binary
 test/trace/undefined-tostring.swf.trace          |    3 
 test/trace/undefined2-7.swf.trace                |    2 
 test/trace/video.flv                             |binary
 test/various/.gitignore                          |    1 
 test/various/Makefile.am                         |   10 
 test/various/ringbuffer.c                        |   19 
 test/various/urlencode.c                         |  112 
 343 files changed, 24303 insertions(+), 7396 deletions(-)

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