[Swfdec] swfdec ported on arm

Benjamin Otte otte at gnome.org
Thu Aug 9 07:55:52 PDT 2007

On 8/9/07, Shabbir <shabbir.bharmal at gmail.com> wrote:
> I have cross compiled swfdec-0.5 for ARM and I have also written a player
> for framebuffer.
Great. This seems to mean it works. :)

> But its too slow!! Can you tell me the reason behind this? Can i increase
> speed by somehow? I doubt my code for player.
> I have written following loop in my player:
> while(1)
> {
>     diff = swfdec_player_get_next_event(player);
>     swfdec_player_advance(player, diff);
>     swfdec_player_render(player, cr, 0, 0, w, h);
> }
While the player itself is fine, it redraws the whole screen all the
time, even if nothing happened. The first obvious improvement would be
to only redraw the changed regions. This can be achieved by connecting
to the "invalidate" signal of the player, and only redraw the region
that got changed there. This should give you a huge speedup for a lot
of Flash files already.

Of curse, Swfdec is not known to be a speed deamon.


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