[Swfdec] [youtube] Performance of video in flash

Rafał Miłecki zajec5polish at gmail.com
Tue Dec 11 04:45:42 PST 2007

11-12-07, Benjamin Otte <otte at gnome.org> napisał(a):
> The fact that Swfdec is slow in general is a problem of X not being
> optimized very well for this task. Unfortunately, this means it's
> pretty much out of our control just how well Swfdec works.
Do you know anything about improving X to work better with this task?
Is it well-known problem, was it reported to anyone?

> However, you can still get widely different results depending on your
> X server, graphic card and configuration. My mail at
> http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/swfdec/2007-September/000561.html
> has some hints (2nd paragraph) that might or might not work for you.
Thanks! EXA fixed things a lot. I still get some little freezes but
it's a huge change!

Rafał Miłecki

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