[Swfdec] Autoplay option

Mjules mjules at free.fr
Tue Apr 29 08:02:12 PDT 2008


I read the call from Benjamin Otte regarding scenario and autoplay. So
even if I'm not a developper, I think I can share my thought and try to
be constructive.

I'm a user which like to control the way he browses the web, so before
swfdec, I used the flashblock extension for firefox/seamonkey
(http://flashblock.mozdev.org/). I'm using a git version of swfdec so I
can be considered like a relatively technical user.

Regarding autoplay, my wishes would be :
   - disabled by default
   - possibility to enable it for an animation, a webpage, a site, a domain
   - the above option accessible easily, maybe directly on right click
(I've made a picture as attachment to better explain my thought)
   - possibility to enable it for everything in preferences

In fact it's mostly like I manage javascript with noscript extension.

regards and thanks for your work.
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