[SyncEvolution] Compatibility with Evolution 3.8

Daniel CLEMENT dclement1 at laposte.net
Fri Feb 7 14:32:30 UTC 2014

Le jeudi 02 janvier 2014 à 09:37 +0100, Patrick Ohly a écrit :
> On Tue, 2013-10-01 at 15:34 +0200, Patrick Ohly wrote:
> > On Tue, 2013-10-01 at 15:24 +0200, Daniel CLEMENT wrote:
> > > Hmm... Partially answering to myself, it seems to be a dependency issue.
> > > 
> > > Evolution 3.8 wants (and installs as dependency) libebook-1.2-14. 
> > > 
> > > Syncevolution then complains that libebook-1.2-13 is missing and not
> > > installable, whereas it should be content with version 1.2-14 (?)
> > 
> > No, these two versions of libebook are incompatible. There have been
> > considerable API changes between 3.4 and 3.6.
> For the sake of those landing in this mail thread via search engines:
> the syncevolution-bundle package >= works with old (< 3.6) and
> new EDS (>= 3.6) versions. There was a bug in the syncevolution-eds
> meta data which prevents installing it with EDS >= 3.6; just
> install the bundle, it has the necessary binaries. This will be fixed
> (and covered by automated tests) in SyncEvolution >
Hello, I was waiting for the latest update pack in Linux Mint Debian to
try this. Evolution 3.8 is part of the updates, so I needed Syncevo.
1.3.99. I pulled it from the unstable repo., but it doesn't look good.

The GUI is sort of empty (no icon, no status) and if I choose "Change or
modify sync service", I get: "Impossible to retrieve the list of
supported services from Syncevolution". (I try my best to translate from

I tried to rename ~/.config/syncevolution, but no luck.

Fortunately this happened on a "test" PC, but I'd like to get it fixed
before applying these upgrades to the production PC.

I'm trying to attach a snapshot, but I'm not sure it will reach the

Best regards,
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