[SyncEvolution] TDEPIM sync questions

deloptes deloptes at gmail.com
Sun Feb 7 12:50:50 UTC 2016

deloptes wrote:

> I think I have a problem with understanding the configuration and how I
> can create a test setup where I have a local sync server (file backend)
> and TDE PIM on the other side.
> It looks like it worked for addressbook, but trying to reproduce or extend
> it with calendar was not successfull yet.

The problem with syncing calendar items was solved.
It turned out to be a code issue, so after fixing it I now can sync all
types, but I still have the problem, that it hangs in the middle and I have
to hit CTRL+C twice or more times to get back to the shell.

I don't know in which direction I have to look - something related to the
transport? Could you please help?

In the config I have now - I am not sure where I had to apply dumpData=0 and

syncevolution --configure \
             --template none \
              username= \
              password= \
              dumpData=0 \
              printChanges=0 \

syncevolution --configure \
              --template SyncEvolution_Client \
              syncURL=local://@${peer} \
              peerIsClient=1 \
                dumpData=0 \
                printChanges=0 \
              username= \
              password= \
              ${peer} \
              addressbook calendar todo memo

Here is what I see executing

SYNCEVOLUTION_DEBUG=1 syncevolution loglevel=10 --daemon=no --sync slow
tdepim addressbook


[DEBUG 00:00:05] before SessionStep: STEPCMD_STEP
[DEBUG 00:00:05] after SessionStep: STEPCMD_SENDDATA
[DEBUG 00:00:05] @default/addressbook: total number of items received 345
[DEBUG 00:00:05] before SessionStep: STEPCMD_SENTDATA
[DEBUG 00:00:05] @default/addressbook: DeleteContext
[DEBUG 00:00:05] @default/addressbook: DeleteContext
[DEBUG 00:00:05] after SessionStep: STEPCMD_OK
[DEBUG 00:00:05] before SessionStep: STEPCMD_STEP
[DEBUG 00:00:05] after SessionStep: STEPCMD_PROGRESS
[DEBUG 00:00:05] before SessionStep: STEPCMD_STEP
[DEBUG 00:00:05] after SessionStep: STEPCMD_DONE
[DEBUG 00:00:05] parent is shutting down
[DEBUG 00:00:05] waiting for child to stop
[INFO @tdepim 00:00:05] @tdepim/addressbook: first time sync done
[DEBUG 00:00:05] waiting for child to stop

Synchronization successful.

Changes applied during synchronization (@tdepim):
|               |        @tdepim        |       @default        | FLI |
|        Source | NEW | MOD | DEL | ERR | NEW | MOD | DEL | ERR | CTS |
|   addressbook |  0  |  0  |  0  |  0  | 345 |  0  |  0  |  0  |  0  |
|   slow, 65 KB sent by client, 0 KB received                         |
|       start Sun 07 Feb 2016 12:57:30 PM CET, duration 0:05min       |
|               synchronization completed successfully                |
[DEBUG 00:00:05] got child sync report:
[DEBUG 00:00:05] end = 1454846255
[DEBUG 00:00:05] source-addressbook-backup-after = -1
[DEBUG 00:00:05] source-addressbook-backup-before = -1
[DEBUG 00:00:05] source-addressbook-first = true
[DEBUG 00:00:05] source-addressbook-mode = slow
[DEBUG 00:00:05] source-addressbook-resume = false
[DEBUG 00:00:05] source-addressbook-stat-local-any-sent = 66842
[DEBUG 00:00:05] source-addressbook-stat-remote-added-total = 345
[DEBUG 00:00:05] source-addressbook-status = 0
[DEBUG 00:00:05] start = 1454846250
[DEBUG 00:00:05] status = 200
^C[DEBUG 00:00:08] SuspendFlags: read 7 from fd 6
[DEBUG 00:00:08] reveived signal 2
^C[DEBUG 00:00:08] SuspendFlags: read 7 from fd 6
[DEBUG 00:00:08] reveived signal 2
[DEBUG 00:00:08] CancelTransport: cancelling because of SuspendFlags::ABORT
[DEBUG 00:00:08] killing local transport child in cancel()
[DEBUG 00:00:08] ForkExecParent: killing syncevo-local-sync 86649 with
[DEBUG 00:00:08] child process has quit with status 15
[DEBUG 00:00:08] ForkExecParent: child 86649 was signaled yes, signal 15
(SIGINT=2, SIGTERM=15), int sent yes, term sent yes
[DEBUG 00:00:08] ForkExecParent: shutting down, telling syncevo-local-sync
86649 that it lost the connection, it is watching
[DEBUG 00:00:08]
ForkExecParentDBusAPI /org/syncevolution/forkexec/parent/forkexec1:
destroying with 1 active watches
[DEBUG 00:00:08] closing session
[DEBUG 00:00:08] session closed
[DEBUG 00:00:08] SuspendFlags: deactivating fds 7->6
[DEBUG 00:00:08] SuspendFlags: close m_receiverFD 6
[DEBUG 00:00:08] SuspendFlags: close m_senderFD 7
[DEBUG 00:00:08] SuspendFlags: done with deactivation
[DEBUG 00:00:08] Module_DeleteContext addressbook
[DEBUG 00:00:08] Module_DeleteContext addressbook
[DEBUG 00:00:08] Module_DeleteContext 'session'

Synchronization successful.

Changes applied during synchronization:
|               |       @default        |        @tdepim        | FLI |
|        Source | NEW | MOD | DEL | ERR | NEW | MOD | DEL | ERR | CTS |
|   addressbook | 345 |  0  |  0  |  0  |  0  |  0  |  0  |  0  |  0  |
|   slow, 0 KB sent by client, 65 KB received                         |
|          start Sun Feb  7 12:57:30 2016, duration 0:09min           |
|               synchronization completed successfully                |
[DEBUG 00:00:08] log path -> /home/emanoil/.cache/syncevolution, <okay>

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