[SyncEvolution] syncevolution debug help needed

deloptes deloptes at gmail.com
Thu Jul 28 17:22:46 UTC 2016

from time to time I'm getting in following situation.
Do you have some hint how I can understand what is wrong here. It works
fine, but at once I start getting those messages. The following output was
created with SYNCEVOLUTION_DEBUG=3 syncevolution nokia_N9 calendar+todo 

Thanks in advance

[2016-07-28 18:49:04.473] Created command 'Add' (incoming)
[2016-07-28 18:49:04.473] Started processing Command 'Add' (incoming
MsgID=3, CmdID=5)
[2016-07-28 18:49:04.473] 'processCmd' - Processing incoming command,
Cmd=Add, IncomingMsgID=3, CmdID=5 [--][++] [->end] [->enclosing]
[2016-07-28 18:49:04.473] command started processing
[2016-07-28 18:49:04.473] Created command 'Status' (outgoing)
[2016-07-28 18:49:04.473] Item (syncop: add) started processing,
remoteID='496', localID=''
[2016-07-28 18:49:04.473] processSyncOpItem: setting fLocalSyncDatastoreP
[2016-07-28 18:49:04.473] Remote sent add-operation:
[2016-07-28 18:49:04.473] - Source: remoteID ='496', remoteName=''
[2016-07-28 18:49:04.473] - Target: localID ='', remoteName=''
[2016-07-28 18:49:04.473] Explicit type 'text/x-vcalendar' specified in
command or item meta
[2016-07-28 18:49:04.473] Version '1.0' obtained from item data
[2016-07-28 18:49:04.473] 'Item_Parse' - parsing SyncML item, SyncOp=add,
format=plain-text, RemoteID=496 [--][++] [->end] [->enclosing]
–[2016-07-28 18:49:04.473] End of 'Item_Parse' [->top] [->enclosing]
[2016-07-28 18:49:04.473] 'Process_Item' - processing remote item,
SyncOp=add, RemoteID=496 [--][++] [->end] [->enclosing]
[2016-07-28 18:49:04.473] 'SuperProcessItem' - Processing incoming item in
superdatastore, datastore=calendar+todo, SyncOp=add, RemoteID=496 [--][++]
[->end] [->enclosing]
[2016-07-28 18:49:04.473] Checkin subdatastore filters to find where it
[2016-07-28 18:49:04.473] Found item belongs to
subdatastore 'calendar+todo at todo'
[2016-07-28 18:49:04.473] add item operation received
[2016-07-28 18:49:04.473] startDataWrite called, status=0
[2016-07-28 18:49:04.473] TStdLogicDS::logicProcessRemoteItem 0x27e1620
starting, SyncOp=add, RemoteID='496', LocalID=''
[2016-07-28 18:49:04.473] TCustomImplDS::implProcessItem 0x27e1620 starting,
SyncOp=add, RemoteID='496', LocalID=''
[2016-07-28 18:49:04.473] to-be-added item already exists -> trying replace
(=conflict resolved by client winning)
[2016-07-28 18:49:04.473] TCustomImplDS::implProcessItem 0x27e1620 starting,
SyncOp=replace, RemoteID='496', LocalID=''
[2016-07-28 18:49:04.473] Executing Script 'beforewritescript'
[2016-07-28 18:49:04.473] todo: updating "Juli call ptotesi gel"
[2016-07-28 18:49:04.473] todo: Item delete: (
00287b7f-207e-476b-96ad-6d0758d563e1 )
[2016-07-28 18:49:04.764] todo: Item saved: (
00287b7f-207e-476b-96ad-6d0758d563e1 )
[2016-07-28 18:49:04.764] todo: Item (
00287b7f-207e-476b-96ad-6d0758d563e1 : 20160704T075430Z ) done.
[2016-07-28 18:49:04.764] todo: aID=(00287b7f-207e-476b-96ad-6d0758d563e1,)
[2016-07-28 18:49:04.764] - Operation replace failed with SyncML status=208
–[2016-07-28 18:49:04.764] End of 'SuperProcessItem' [->top] [->enclosing]
–[2016-07-28 18:49:04.764] End of 'Process_Item' [->top] [->enclosing]
[2016-07-28 18:49:04.764] processSyncOpItem: Irregularity while processing
item, status=208
[2016-07-28 18:49:04.764] Irregularity in execution of item, status=208
[2016-07-28 18:49:04.764] 'issue' - issuing command, Cmd=Status [--][++]
[->end] [->enclosing]
[2016-07-28 18:49:04.764] Status Code 208 issued for Cmd=Add, (incoming
MsgID=3, CmdID=5)
[2016-07-28 18:49:04.764] - SourceRef (remoteID) = '496'
[2016-07-28 18:49:04.764] Status: issued as (outgoing MsgID=3, CmdID=5), not
waiting for status
[2016-07-28 18:49:04.764] Deleted command 'Status' (outgoing MsgID=3,
[2016-07-28 18:49:04.764] Outgoing Message size is now 352 bytes
–[2016-07-28 18:49:04.764] End of 'issue' [->top] [->enclosing]
[2016-07-28 18:49:04.764] Deleted command 'Add' (incoming MsgID=3, CmdID=5)
–[2016-07-28 18:49:04.764] End of 'processCmd' [->top] [->enclosing]


[2016-07-28 18:49:03.705] Started processing Command 'Add' (incoming
MsgID=2, CmdID=22)
[2016-07-28 18:49:03.705] 'processCmd' - Processing incoming command,
Cmd=Add, IncomingMsgID=2, CmdID=22 [--][++] [->end] [->enclosing]
[2016-07-28 18:49:03.705] command started processing
[2016-07-28 18:49:03.705] Created command 'Status' (outgoing)
[2016-07-28 18:49:03.705] Item (syncop: add) started processing,
remoteID='482', localID=''
[2016-07-28 18:49:03.705] processSyncOpItem: setting fLocalSyncDatastoreP
[2016-07-28 18:49:03.705] Remote sent add-operation:
[2016-07-28 18:49:03.705] - Source: remoteID ='482', remoteName=''
[2016-07-28 18:49:03.705] - Target: localID ='', remoteName=''
[2016-07-28 18:49:03.705] Explicit type 'text/x-vcalendar' specified in
command or item meta
[2016-07-28 18:49:03.705] Version '1.0' obtained from item data
[2016-07-28 18:49:03.705] 'Item_Parse' - parsing SyncML item, SyncOp=add,
format=plain-text, RemoteID=482 [--][++] [->end] [->enclosing]
–[2016-07-28 18:49:03.705] End of 'Item_Parse' [->top] [->enclosing]
[2016-07-28 18:49:03.705] 'Process_Item' - processing remote item,
SyncOp=add, RemoteID=482 [--][++] [->end] [->enclosing]
[2016-07-28 18:49:03.705] 'SuperProcessItem' - Processing incoming item in
superdatastore, datastore=calendar+todo, SyncOp=add, RemoteID=482 [--][++]
[->end] [->enclosing]
[2016-07-28 18:49:03.705] Checkin subdatastore filters to find where it
[2016-07-28 18:49:03.705] Found item belongs to
subdatastore 'calendar+todo at todo'
[2016-07-28 18:49:03.705] add item operation received
[2016-07-28 18:49:03.705] startDataWrite called, status=0
[2016-07-28 18:49:03.705] TStdLogicDS::logicProcessRemoteItem 0x27e1620
starting, SyncOp=add, RemoteID='482', LocalID=''
[2016-07-28 18:49:03.705] TCustomImplDS::implProcessItem 0x27e1620 starting,
SyncOp=add, RemoteID='482', LocalID=''
[2016-07-28 18:49:03.705] to-be-added item already exists -> trying replace
(=conflict resolved by client winning)
[2016-07-28 18:49:03.705] TCustomImplDS::implProcessItem 0x27e1620 starting,
SyncOp=replace, RemoteID='482', LocalID=''
[2016-07-28 18:49:03.705] Executing Script 'beforewritescript'
[2016-07-28 18:49:03.705] todo: updating "Тест задача това е тест"
[2016-07-28 18:49:03.705] todo: Item delete: ( libkcal-1842715300.651 )
[2016-07-28 18:49:04.034] todo: Item saved: ( libkcal-1842715300.651 )
[2016-07-28 18:49:04.034] todo: Item ( libkcal-1842715300.651 :
20160617T005450Z ) done.
[2016-07-28 18:49:04.034] todo: aID=(libkcal-1842715300.651,) res=208
[2016-07-28 18:49:04.034] - Operation replace failed with SyncML status=208
–[2016-07-28 18:49:04.034] End of 'SuperProcessItem' [->top] [->enclosing]
–[2016-07-28 18:49:04.034] End of 'Process_Item' [->top] [->enclosing]
[2016-07-28 18:49:04.034] processSyncOpItem: Irregularity while processing
item, status=208
[2016-07-28 18:49:04.034] Irregularity in execution of item, status=208
[2016-07-28 18:49:04.034] 'issue' - issuing command, Cmd=Status [--][++]
[->end] [->enclosing]
[2016-07-28 18:49:04.034] Status Code 208 issued for Cmd=Add, (incoming
MsgID=2, CmdID=22)
[2016-07-28 18:49:04.034] - SourceRef (remoteID) = '482'
[2016-07-28 18:49:04.034] Status: issued as (outgoing MsgID=2, CmdID=20),
not waiting for status
[2016-07-28 18:49:04.034] Deleted command 'Status' (outgoing MsgID=2,
[2016-07-28 18:49:04.034] Outgoing Message size is now 946 bytes
–[2016-07-28 18:49:04.034] End of 'issue' [->top] [->enclosing]
[2016-07-28 18:49:04.034] Deleted command 'Add' (incoming MsgID=2, CmdID=22)
–[2016-07-28 18:49:04.034] End of 'processCmd' [->top] [->enclosing]

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