[SyncEvolution] Sync with SailFish OS via Bluetooth

deloptes deloptes at gmail.com
Tue Nov 15 22:04:23 UTC 2016

Patrick Ohly wrote:

> Huh? Then how did you sync between your N9 and the Sail Fish OS phone?
> Why does it advertise SyncML support via Bluetooth?
> I thought Sail Fish OS had continued to use Buteo as its sync solution
> because that's what they got from MeeGo, and there was a SyncML
> implementation for that (most recent repo probably
> https://github.com/kavuri/buteo-syncml). If that's the code, then it has
> been "in progress" for several years now.

I had the same impression.

> During all that time, SyncEvolution has had a functional SyncML
> implementation and backends for the PIM storage in MeeGo...

Here is what they said:

Sync via Bluetooth isn't well supported at the moment. We allow importing
contacts from another device, and adding capability to import calendars via
Bluetooth is work-in-progress (see
https://git.merproject.org/mer-core/buteo-sync-plugins/merge_requests/1 and
MER#1222 for that), but true synchronisation via Bluetooth is significantly
more difficult to achieve with the current stack.


I guess I have to wait, or get involved. I asked why not use syncevolution?
but still it would need a backend ... I don't know when I'll be able to
have a look into the sdk and mer


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