[SyncEvolution] survey: providing SyncEvolution binaries

Graham Cobb g+syncevolution at cobb.uk.net
Thu Sep 8 22:35:11 UTC 2016

On 22/08/16 14:22, Patrick Ohly wrote:
> So let me ask: which distro do you need syncevolution.org binaries for?
> Why?

I meant to reply to this before. May not be needed now as you seem to
have decided to build for Jessie and Stretch anyway...

I find it useful to have precompiled binaries for Debian stable (my
production system) and Debian testing (my development system).

Of course, Tino provides packages but I have sometimes found it useful
to be able to use your latest build before they have appeared in the

I build my own versions when I am doing development.  But I still find
it convenient to have a "standard" version installed so I can compare
behaviour :-)  And just knowing that it is building for you is very
helpful when it isn't building for me!

So, I could certainly live without your builds -- Tino's packages would
normally meet my needs and I could always build if I needed to.  But I
do use your versions and appreciate having them available.


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