[SyncEvolution] Sync on Debian Stretch

deloptes deloptes at gmail.com
Thu Jul 27 12:23:03 UTC 2017

Patrick Ohly wrote:

> Thanks for root causing this.
> Unfortunately I have no idea what changed in libopenobex. I also
> haven't written the code which uses it, so I'd be in for some amount of
> reverse-engineering before I might be able to fix it :-/

No prob. If you need input and testing let me know. I don't have any
idea/knowledge how I can test it. I'll just look into if 1.5.2 works with
libopenobex1. If so it will be much easier. 

As reported originally it dies with error "OBEX Request 3 got a failed
response Unknown response" etc.

I'm facing some issues with the kgpg app I use as things changed from gpg v1
in jessie to gpg v2 in stretch and as I have working syncevolution I'll be
chasing this next :/

Progress keeps us all busy.


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