[SyncEvolution] Use python3 (was: Re: Detect python binary name in build time)

Milan Crha mcrha at redhat.com
Wed May 22 08:32:31 UTC 2019

On Fri, 2019-04-05 at 12:57 +0200, Milan Crha wrote:
> The attached is a result of the files being processes
> through it, including slightly modified patch proposed earlier (it
> looks for python3 now, instead of python2).

I've been playing with this a bit more and there's an issue with
python3-twisted [1]. Once fixed, a similar issue rises with the
syncevo-http-server.py. The attached is an additional change to the
SyncEvolution, which removes that "import gobject", because it's not
used at that file at all. If you'd prefer to keep it there (like if
it's needed and I overlooked something), then you might change the
import to the smart one, like in src/dbus/server/pim/examples/sync.py,
where it reads:

       import gobject
   except ImportError:
       from gi.repository import GObject as gobject

   Hope it helps.

   [1] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1712748
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