[SyncEvolution] Re: Sync failure - F31

Milan Crha mcrha at redhat.com
Mon Nov 11 08:48:48 UTC 2019

On Sun, 2019-11-10 at 13:05 +0000, mail at ericberndt.de wrote:
> In my log file i found the following
> https://paste.fedoraproject.org/paste/fqXYHwxS~A3sFzcrmq8baA

I see from the backtrace that it's my fault. I'm sorry. When porting
syncevolution to libecal-2.0 I missed one place (maybe more), causing
the crash. The attached patch will fix it. I made a scratch build for
Fedora 31 here[1]. Could you give it a try, please? Just click the
architecture you use, then download packages you've installed:
   $ rpm -qa | grep syncevolution
then update them, from the directory you downloaded them to:
   $ sudo dnf update ./syncevolution*.rpm

Ideally install also debuginfo and debugsource packages for
syncevolution, thus any later backtraces will contain line numbers and

The fix should make it work. Let me know if it helped, please, thus I
could make an official release with it.
	Thanks and bye,

[1] https://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/taskinfo?taskID=38911383
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