[SyncEvolution] Re: new SyncEvolution binaries, dropping features?

Graham Cobb g+syncevolution at cobb.uk.net
Fri Jul 24 21:20:26 UTC 2020

On 24/07/2020 20:38, Patrick Ohly wrote:
> [Most of the text below was written in December 2019, but than
> unintentionally sent to an internal mailing list - no surprise that I
> never got any response!]
> Hello!
> Over the Christmas holidays I worked on building a new SyncEvolution release. My
> current goal is to build for Ubuntu Bionic (most
> recent LTS) and support those binaries on all more recent Debian and
> Ubuntu releases.
> If possible, I'd like to drop unused features if they require extra
> effort. This mostly depends if someone still needs them. Let me list
> some features that I'd like to remove. If you still need them, please
> respond here:
> * At the top of that list is ActiveSync support. activesyncd no longer
>   builds on Debian Stretch because it depends on libgnome-keyring, which
>   was removed. It probably can be ported to libsecret, but that's
>   extra work.

I no longer need ActiveSync myself (my employer banned it a while ago
and, more recently, I have retired anyway). I feel it is a shame to let
it die and could probably be persuaded to do some work on it if someone
actually wanted it and could provide me with access to systems to
develop and test. But if no one wants to use it, there is no point.

> * x86 (i.e. 32 bit) binaries - it doubles the testing effort.
> * RPMs - they never had proper dependencies and I am not sure whether
>   they ever worked at all.
> * Akonadi support and KDE in general.
>   I first encountered problem with Akonadi in Debian Stretch and reported
>   it here with a stand-alone reproducer:
>   https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=369203
>   But as pointed out in that issue, the API that SyncEvolution uses is no
>   longer supported and thus SyncEvolution would have to be ported to the
>   current API, whatever that is - I haven't investigated that.

I gave up on the KDE PIM tools (and associated data) some time ago so I
am no longer using this.

> * Port to Python 3 and stop supporting Python 2.
> Regarding the source code, I'd like merge all pending patches. This
> obviously includes all the changes that are required to build on more
> recent Linux distros, but also the C++ modernization that I started a
> while back.
> The result will be more than just a simple bug fix release, but also not
> something that has any new user-visible features. I'm not entirely happy
> with that, but I also don't want to be stuck completely in pure
> maintenance mode.
> I got testing on the newer Linux distros working with the updated code
> base already beginning of this year, but then got stuck because of a
> regression and lack of time to dig into that. Since then, the apt repo
> keys expired and I haven't renewed them because the binaries probably
> wouldn't work anyway.
> I suppose users would like to see binaries again, primarily because
> SyncEvolution fell out of Debian/Ubuntu?

Now that I am retired, I am not sure what my usage will be. My (new)
master for contacts and calendar is in Owncloud/Nextcloud (mainly using
Thunderbird as UI), however I haven't decided how I will keep various
other devices synced (particularly Sailfish, if I continue to use that).

I would find it convenient to have Debian binaries although I don't know
if I will need them long term.

I am disappointed, having worked on PIM sync for many years, that the
world seems to be willing to settle for very limited and mostly locked
up services from Microsoft, Apple or Android.
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