[SyncEvolution] Syncing an Android Phone - Memotoo

Max Pyziur pyz at brama.com
Mon Nov 15 20:45:11 UTC 2021


I've been using Syncevolution to sync with my Memotoo account for a 
considerable period of time.

In turn, I use a MemoToo app to sync with my Android phone (Samsung 7).

Sometime in the last year or so, Google Play removed the Memotoo app 
citing information security concerns.

I have continued to use the app that was installed on my phone w no 
seeming problem.

However now, I'm required to upgrade because the Samsung 7 phone has no 5G 
network compatibility.

I would like to continue to use Evolution, syncingin it with Memotoo, and 
then updating my phone's contact list.

To this end, I have contacted Memotoo about the issue (no reply yet), and 
was looking for recommendations from the Syncevolution email list.

Much thanks

Max Pyziur
pyz at brama.com
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