[SyncEvolution] Syncing to Memotoo w SyncEvolution post-Fedora 37 upgrade (fwd)

Patrick Ohly patrick.ohly at intel.com
Tue Feb 21 15:28:58 UTC 2023

Max Pyziur <pyz at brama.com> writes:

> On Tue, 21 Feb 2023, Patrick Ohly wrote:
>> Max Pyziur <pyz at brama.com> writes:
>>> I'm following the steps that you've given me, as best I understand them.
>>> Here, I've enumerated them (1 to 4).
>> Something must have gone wrong, otherwise you wouldn't have gotten the
>> "could not obtain D-Bus name" error. Let's try again.
>> In one shell, run:
>>  killall syncevo-dbus-server
>>  valgrind --leak-check=full /usr/libexec/syncevo-dbus-server
>> It should remain running now, without "could not obtain D-Bus name".
>> In another shell:
>>  syncevolution --run  --sync refresh-from-local memotoo
>> Now, and not sooner, should the original shell show additional
>> output. What I expect there is information about memory corruption or
>> the segfault.
> Here's the output; the seeming exception is "WARNING: unhandled 
> amd64-linux syscall: 434":

No, that's just a warning.

> pyz at pegasus ~> syncevolution --run  --sync refresh-from-local memotoo
> [INFO] memo: inactive
> [INFO] todo: inactive
> [ERROR] The connection is closed

Somehow syncing failed without triggering the segfault. But I don't know
which connection is meant here.

Let's try something simpler. syncevolution works without the DBus
server. Try this please:

valgrind syncevolution --daemon=no --run --sync refresh-from-local memotoo

Best Regards

Patrick Ohly

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