Error when synchronising using 2.0.0 with maemo backends

Patrick Ohly patrick.ohly at
Mon May 27 13:53:22 UTC 2024

Merlijn Wajer <merlijn at> writes:
> On 17/05/2024 11:18, Patrick Ohly wrote:
>> Merlijn Wajer <merlijn at> writes:
>> Quite obviously, this project has had no other contributors for a while... :-/
> I might have more things to contribute in the future as I integrate 
> syncevolution more in Maemo and potentially run into bugs. I'm already 
> using it to sync my tasks, calendar, notes and contacts, and it works 
> great, so thank you very much!

Glad to hear that. Just create PRs^H^H^MRs and I'll take them. I don't
have a CI attached to GitLab, so it I'll just eyeball the changes.

Best Regards

Patrick Ohly
Cloud Software Architect

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