[systemd-commits] Makefile.am src/bridge.c src/stdio-bridge

Kay Sievers kay at kemper.freedesktop.org
Thu Apr 12 05:30:58 PDT 2012

 Makefile.am                     |    2 
 src/bridge.c                    |  367 ----------------------------------------
 src/stdio-bridge/stdio-bridge.c |  367 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 368 insertions(+), 368 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit ec1a9f88f2a91d9358c254ea8098b4e9190fb146
Author: Kay Sievers <kay at vrfy.org>
Date:   Thu Apr 12 14:30:09 2012 +0200

    rename bridge.c to stdio-bridge.c and move to subdir

diff --git a/Makefile.am b/Makefile.am
index 8b1cafe..5bba4f9 100644
--- a/Makefile.am
+++ b/Makefile.am
@@ -1139,7 +1139,7 @@ systemd_nspawn_LDADD = \
 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 systemd_stdio_bridge_SOURCES = \
-	src/bridge.c
+	src/stdio-bridge/stdio-bridge.c
 systemd_stdio_bridge_LDADD = \
diff --git a/src/bridge.c b/src/bridge.c
deleted file mode 100644
index f926fe5..0000000
--- a/src/bridge.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,367 +0,0 @@
-/*-*- Mode: C; c-basic-offset: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-*/
-  This file is part of systemd.
-  Copyright 2010 Lennart Poettering
-  systemd is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-  under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
-  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
-  (at your option) any later version.
-  systemd is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-  WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-  Lesser General Public License for more details.
-  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-  along with systemd; If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-#include <sys/socket.h>
-#include <sys/un.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <sys/epoll.h>
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include "log.h"
-#include "util.h"
-#include "socket-util.h"
-#define BUFFER_SIZE (64*1024)
-#define EXTRA_SIZE 16
-static bool initial_nul = false;
-static bool auth_over = false;
-static void format_uid(char *buf, size_t l) {
-        char text[20 + 1]; /* enough space for a 64bit integer plus NUL */
-        unsigned j;
-        assert(l > 0);
-        snprintf(text, sizeof(text)-1, "%llu", (unsigned long long) geteuid());
-        text[sizeof(text)-1] = 0;
-        memset(buf, 0, l);
-        for (j = 0; text[j] && j*2+2 < l; j++) {
-                buf[j*2]   = hexchar(text[j] >> 4);
-                buf[j*2+1] = hexchar(text[j] & 0xF);
-        }
-        buf[j*2] = 0;
-static size_t patch_in_line(char *line, size_t l, size_t left) {
-        size_t r;
-        if (line[0] == 0 && !initial_nul) {
-                initial_nul = true;
-                line += 1;
-                l -= 1;
-                r = 1;
-        } else
-                r = 0;
-        if (l == 5 && strncmp(line, "BEGIN", 5) == 0) {
-                r += l;
-                auth_over = true;
-        } else if (l == 17 && strncmp(line, "NEGOTIATE_UNIX_FD", 17) == 0) {
-                memmove(line + 13, line + 17, left);
-                memcpy(line, "NEGOTIATE_NOP", 13);
-                r += 13;
-        } else if (l >= 14 && strncmp(line, "AUTH EXTERNAL ", 14) == 0) {
-                char uid[20*2 + 1];
-                size_t len;
-                format_uid(uid, sizeof(uid));
-                len = strlen(uid);
-                assert(len <= EXTRA_SIZE);
-                memmove(line + 14 + len, line + l, left);
-                memcpy(line + 14, uid, len);
-                r += 14 + len;
-        } else
-                r += l;
-        return r;
-static size_t patch_in_buffer(char* in_buffer, size_t *in_buffer_full) {
-        size_t i, good = 0;
-        if (*in_buffer_full <= 0)
-                return *in_buffer_full;
-        /* If authentication is done, we don't touch anything anymore */
-        if (auth_over)
-                return *in_buffer_full;
-        if (*in_buffer_full < 2)
-                return 0;
-        for (i = 0; i <= *in_buffer_full - 2; i ++) {
-                /* Fully lines can be send on */
-                if (in_buffer[i] == '\r' && in_buffer[i+1] == '\n') {
-                        if (i > good) {
-                                size_t old_length, new_length;
-                                old_length = i - good;
-                                new_length = patch_in_line(in_buffer+good, old_length, *in_buffer_full - i);
-                                *in_buffer_full = *in_buffer_full + new_length - old_length;
-                                good += new_length + 2;
-                        } else
-                                good = i+2;
-                }
-                if (auth_over)
-                        break;
-        }
-        return good;
-int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
-        int r = EXIT_FAILURE, fd = -1, ep = -1;
-        union sockaddr_union sa;
-        char in_buffer[BUFFER_SIZE+EXTRA_SIZE], out_buffer[BUFFER_SIZE+EXTRA_SIZE];
-        size_t in_buffer_full = 0, out_buffer_full = 0;
-        struct epoll_event stdin_ev, stdout_ev, fd_ev;
-        bool stdin_readable = false, stdout_writable = false, fd_readable = false, fd_writable = false;
-        bool stdin_rhup = false, stdout_whup = false, fd_rhup = false, fd_whup = false;
-        if (argc > 1) {
-                log_error("This program takes no argument.");
-                return EXIT_FAILURE;
-        }
-        log_set_target(LOG_TARGET_JOURNAL_OR_KMSG);
-        log_parse_environment();
-        log_open();
-        if ((fd = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM|SOCK_CLOEXEC|SOCK_NONBLOCK, 0)) < 0) {
-                log_error("Failed to create socket: %s", strerror(errno));
-                goto finish;
-        }
-        zero(sa);
-        sa.un.sun_family = AF_UNIX;
-        strncpy(sa.un.sun_path, "/run/dbus/system_bus_socket", sizeof(sa.un.sun_path));
-        if (connect(fd, &sa.sa, offsetof(struct sockaddr_un, sun_path) + strlen(sa.un.sun_path)) < 0) {
-                log_error("Failed to connect: %m");
-                goto finish;
-        }
-        fd_nonblock(STDIN_FILENO, 1);
-        fd_nonblock(STDOUT_FILENO, 1);
-        if ((ep = epoll_create1(EPOLL_CLOEXEC)) < 0) {
-                log_error("Failed to create epoll: %m");
-                goto finish;
-        }
-        zero(stdin_ev);
-        stdin_ev.events = EPOLLIN|EPOLLET;
-        stdin_ev.data.fd = STDIN_FILENO;
-        zero(stdout_ev);
-        stdout_ev.events = EPOLLOUT|EPOLLET;
-        stdout_ev.data.fd = STDOUT_FILENO;
-        zero(fd_ev);
-        fd_ev.events = EPOLLIN|EPOLLOUT|EPOLLET;
-        fd_ev.data.fd = fd;
-        if (epoll_ctl(ep, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, STDIN_FILENO, &stdin_ev) < 0 ||
-            epoll_ctl(ep, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, STDOUT_FILENO, &stdout_ev) < 0 ||
-            epoll_ctl(ep, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, fd, &fd_ev) < 0) {
-                log_error("Failed to regiser fds in epoll: %m");
-                goto finish;
-        }
-        do {
-                struct epoll_event ev[16];
-                ssize_t k;
-                int i, nfds;
-                if ((nfds = epoll_wait(ep, ev, ELEMENTSOF(ev), -1)) < 0) {
-                        if (errno == EINTR || errno == EAGAIN)
-                                continue;
-                        log_error("epoll_wait(): %m");
-                        goto finish;
-                }
-                assert(nfds >= 1);
-                for (i = 0; i < nfds; i++) {
-                        if (ev[i].data.fd == STDIN_FILENO) {
-                                if (!stdin_rhup && (ev[i].events & (EPOLLHUP|EPOLLIN)))
-                                        stdin_readable = true;
-                        } else if (ev[i].data.fd == STDOUT_FILENO) {
-                                if (ev[i].events & EPOLLHUP) {
-                                        stdout_writable = false;
-                                        stdout_whup = true;
-                                }
-                                if (!stdout_whup && (ev[i].events & EPOLLOUT))
-                                        stdout_writable = true;
-                        } else if (ev[i].data.fd == fd) {
-                                if (ev[i].events & EPOLLHUP) {
-                                        fd_writable = false;
-                                        fd_whup = true;
-                                }
-                                if (!fd_rhup && (ev[i].events & (EPOLLHUP|EPOLLIN)))
-                                        fd_readable = true;
-                                if (!fd_whup && (ev[i].events & EPOLLOUT))
-                                        fd_writable = true;
-                        }
-                }
-                while ((stdin_readable && in_buffer_full <= 0) ||
-                       (fd_writable && patch_in_buffer(in_buffer, &in_buffer_full) > 0) ||
-                       (fd_readable && out_buffer_full <= 0) ||
-                       (stdout_writable && out_buffer_full > 0)) {
-                        size_t in_buffer_good = 0;
-                        if (stdin_readable && in_buffer_full < BUFFER_SIZE) {
-                                if ((k = read(STDIN_FILENO, in_buffer + in_buffer_full, BUFFER_SIZE - in_buffer_full)) < 0) {
-                                        if (errno == EAGAIN)
-                                                stdin_readable = false;
-                                        else if (errno == EPIPE || errno == ECONNRESET)
-                                                k = 0;
-                                        else {
-                                                log_error("read(): %m");
-                                                goto finish;
-                                        }
-                                } else
-                                        in_buffer_full += (size_t) k;
-                                if (k == 0) {
-                                        stdin_rhup = true;
-                                        stdin_readable = false;
-                                        shutdown(STDIN_FILENO, SHUT_RD);
-                                        close_nointr_nofail(STDIN_FILENO);
-                                }
-                        }
-                        in_buffer_good = patch_in_buffer(in_buffer, &in_buffer_full);
-                        if (fd_writable && in_buffer_good > 0) {
-                                if ((k = write(fd, in_buffer, in_buffer_good)) < 0) {
-                                        if (errno == EAGAIN)
-                                                fd_writable = false;
-                                        else if (errno == EPIPE || errno == ECONNRESET) {
-                                                fd_whup = true;
-                                                fd_writable = false;
-                                                shutdown(fd, SHUT_WR);
-                                        } else {
-                                                log_error("write(): %m");
-                                                goto finish;
-                                        }
-                                } else {
-                                        assert(in_buffer_full >= (size_t) k);
-                                        memmove(in_buffer, in_buffer + k, in_buffer_full - k);
-                                        in_buffer_full -= k;
-                                }
-                        }
-                        if (fd_readable && out_buffer_full < BUFFER_SIZE) {
-                                if ((k = read(fd, out_buffer + out_buffer_full, BUFFER_SIZE - out_buffer_full)) < 0) {
-                                        if (errno == EAGAIN)
-                                                fd_readable = false;
-                                        else if (errno == EPIPE || errno == ECONNRESET)
-                                                k = 0;
-                                        else {
-                                                log_error("read(): %m");
-                                                goto finish;
-                                        }
-                                }  else
-                                        out_buffer_full += (size_t) k;
-                                if (k == 0) {
-                                        fd_rhup = true;
-                                        fd_readable = false;
-                                        shutdown(fd, SHUT_RD);
-                                }
-                        }
-                        if (stdout_writable && out_buffer_full > 0) {
-                                if ((k = write(STDOUT_FILENO, out_buffer, out_buffer_full)) < 0) {
-                                        if (errno == EAGAIN)
-                                                stdout_writable = false;
-                                        else if (errno == EPIPE || errno == ECONNRESET) {
-                                                stdout_whup = true;
-                                                stdout_writable = false;
-                                                shutdown(STDOUT_FILENO, SHUT_WR);
-                                                close_nointr(STDOUT_FILENO);
-                                        } else {
-                                                log_error("write(): %m");
-                                                goto finish;
-                                        }
-                                } else {
-                                        assert(out_buffer_full >= (size_t) k);
-                                        memmove(out_buffer, out_buffer + k, out_buffer_full - k);
-                                        out_buffer_full -= k;
-                                }
-                        }
-                }
-                if (stdin_rhup && in_buffer_full <= 0 && !fd_whup) {
-                        fd_whup = true;
-                        fd_writable = false;
-                        shutdown(fd, SHUT_WR);
-                }
-                if (fd_rhup && out_buffer_full <= 0 && !stdout_whup) {
-                        stdout_whup = true;
-                        stdout_writable = false;
-                        shutdown(STDOUT_FILENO, SHUT_WR);
-                        close_nointr(STDOUT_FILENO);
-                }
-        } while (!stdout_whup || !fd_whup);
-        r = EXIT_SUCCESS;
-        if (fd >= 0)
-                close_nointr_nofail(fd);
-        if (ep >= 0)
-                close_nointr_nofail(ep);
-        return r;
diff --git a/src/stdio-bridge/stdio-bridge.c b/src/stdio-bridge/stdio-bridge.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f926fe5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/stdio-bridge/stdio-bridge.c
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+/*-*- Mode: C; c-basic-offset: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-*/
+  This file is part of systemd.
+  Copyright 2010 Lennart Poettering
+  systemd is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+  under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
+  (at your option) any later version.
+  systemd is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+  WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+  Lesser General Public License for more details.
+  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+  along with systemd; If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+#include <sys/un.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <sys/epoll.h>
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include "log.h"
+#include "util.h"
+#include "socket-util.h"
+#define BUFFER_SIZE (64*1024)
+#define EXTRA_SIZE 16
+static bool initial_nul = false;
+static bool auth_over = false;
+static void format_uid(char *buf, size_t l) {
+        char text[20 + 1]; /* enough space for a 64bit integer plus NUL */
+        unsigned j;
+        assert(l > 0);
+        snprintf(text, sizeof(text)-1, "%llu", (unsigned long long) geteuid());
+        text[sizeof(text)-1] = 0;
+        memset(buf, 0, l);
+        for (j = 0; text[j] && j*2+2 < l; j++) {
+                buf[j*2]   = hexchar(text[j] >> 4);
+                buf[j*2+1] = hexchar(text[j] & 0xF);
+        }
+        buf[j*2] = 0;
+static size_t patch_in_line(char *line, size_t l, size_t left) {
+        size_t r;
+        if (line[0] == 0 && !initial_nul) {
+                initial_nul = true;
+                line += 1;
+                l -= 1;
+                r = 1;
+        } else
+                r = 0;
+        if (l == 5 && strncmp(line, "BEGIN", 5) == 0) {
+                r += l;
+                auth_over = true;
+        } else if (l == 17 && strncmp(line, "NEGOTIATE_UNIX_FD", 17) == 0) {
+                memmove(line + 13, line + 17, left);
+                memcpy(line, "NEGOTIATE_NOP", 13);
+                r += 13;
+        } else if (l >= 14 && strncmp(line, "AUTH EXTERNAL ", 14) == 0) {
+                char uid[20*2 + 1];
+                size_t len;
+                format_uid(uid, sizeof(uid));
+                len = strlen(uid);
+                assert(len <= EXTRA_SIZE);
+                memmove(line + 14 + len, line + l, left);
+                memcpy(line + 14, uid, len);
+                r += 14 + len;
+        } else
+                r += l;
+        return r;
+static size_t patch_in_buffer(char* in_buffer, size_t *in_buffer_full) {
+        size_t i, good = 0;
+        if (*in_buffer_full <= 0)
+                return *in_buffer_full;
+        /* If authentication is done, we don't touch anything anymore */
+        if (auth_over)
+                return *in_buffer_full;
+        if (*in_buffer_full < 2)
+                return 0;
+        for (i = 0; i <= *in_buffer_full - 2; i ++) {
+                /* Fully lines can be send on */
+                if (in_buffer[i] == '\r' && in_buffer[i+1] == '\n') {
+                        if (i > good) {
+                                size_t old_length, new_length;
+                                old_length = i - good;
+                                new_length = patch_in_line(in_buffer+good, old_length, *in_buffer_full - i);
+                                *in_buffer_full = *in_buffer_full + new_length - old_length;
+                                good += new_length + 2;
+                        } else
+                                good = i+2;
+                }
+                if (auth_over)
+                        break;
+        }
+        return good;
+int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
+        int r = EXIT_FAILURE, fd = -1, ep = -1;
+        union sockaddr_union sa;
+        char in_buffer[BUFFER_SIZE+EXTRA_SIZE], out_buffer[BUFFER_SIZE+EXTRA_SIZE];
+        size_t in_buffer_full = 0, out_buffer_full = 0;
+        struct epoll_event stdin_ev, stdout_ev, fd_ev;
+        bool stdin_readable = false, stdout_writable = false, fd_readable = false, fd_writable = false;
+        bool stdin_rhup = false, stdout_whup = false, fd_rhup = false, fd_whup = false;
+        if (argc > 1) {
+                log_error("This program takes no argument.");
+                return EXIT_FAILURE;
+        }
+        log_set_target(LOG_TARGET_JOURNAL_OR_KMSG);
+        log_parse_environment();
+        log_open();
+        if ((fd = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM|SOCK_CLOEXEC|SOCK_NONBLOCK, 0)) < 0) {
+                log_error("Failed to create socket: %s", strerror(errno));
+                goto finish;
+        }
+        zero(sa);
+        sa.un.sun_family = AF_UNIX;
+        strncpy(sa.un.sun_path, "/run/dbus/system_bus_socket", sizeof(sa.un.sun_path));
+        if (connect(fd, &sa.sa, offsetof(struct sockaddr_un, sun_path) + strlen(sa.un.sun_path)) < 0) {
+                log_error("Failed to connect: %m");
+                goto finish;
+        }
+        fd_nonblock(STDIN_FILENO, 1);
+        fd_nonblock(STDOUT_FILENO, 1);
+        if ((ep = epoll_create1(EPOLL_CLOEXEC)) < 0) {
+                log_error("Failed to create epoll: %m");
+                goto finish;
+        }
+        zero(stdin_ev);
+        stdin_ev.events = EPOLLIN|EPOLLET;
+        stdin_ev.data.fd = STDIN_FILENO;
+        zero(stdout_ev);
+        stdout_ev.events = EPOLLOUT|EPOLLET;
+        stdout_ev.data.fd = STDOUT_FILENO;
+        zero(fd_ev);
+        fd_ev.events = EPOLLIN|EPOLLOUT|EPOLLET;
+        fd_ev.data.fd = fd;
+        if (epoll_ctl(ep, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, STDIN_FILENO, &stdin_ev) < 0 ||
+            epoll_ctl(ep, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, STDOUT_FILENO, &stdout_ev) < 0 ||
+            epoll_ctl(ep, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, fd, &fd_ev) < 0) {
+                log_error("Failed to regiser fds in epoll: %m");
+                goto finish;
+        }
+        do {
+                struct epoll_event ev[16];
+                ssize_t k;
+                int i, nfds;
+                if ((nfds = epoll_wait(ep, ev, ELEMENTSOF(ev), -1)) < 0) {
+                        if (errno == EINTR || errno == EAGAIN)
+                                continue;
+                        log_error("epoll_wait(): %m");
+                        goto finish;
+                }
+                assert(nfds >= 1);
+                for (i = 0; i < nfds; i++) {
+                        if (ev[i].data.fd == STDIN_FILENO) {
+                                if (!stdin_rhup && (ev[i].events & (EPOLLHUP|EPOLLIN)))
+                                        stdin_readable = true;
+                        } else if (ev[i].data.fd == STDOUT_FILENO) {
+                                if (ev[i].events & EPOLLHUP) {
+                                        stdout_writable = false;
+                                        stdout_whup = true;
+                                }
+                                if (!stdout_whup && (ev[i].events & EPOLLOUT))
+                                        stdout_writable = true;
+                        } else if (ev[i].data.fd == fd) {
+                                if (ev[i].events & EPOLLHUP) {
+                                        fd_writable = false;
+                                        fd_whup = true;
+                                }
+                                if (!fd_rhup && (ev[i].events & (EPOLLHUP|EPOLLIN)))
+                                        fd_readable = true;
+                                if (!fd_whup && (ev[i].events & EPOLLOUT))
+                                        fd_writable = true;
+                        }
+                }
+                while ((stdin_readable && in_buffer_full <= 0) ||
+                       (fd_writable && patch_in_buffer(in_buffer, &in_buffer_full) > 0) ||
+                       (fd_readable && out_buffer_full <= 0) ||
+                       (stdout_writable && out_buffer_full > 0)) {
+                        size_t in_buffer_good = 0;
+                        if (stdin_readable && in_buffer_full < BUFFER_SIZE) {
+                                if ((k = read(STDIN_FILENO, in_buffer + in_buffer_full, BUFFER_SIZE - in_buffer_full)) < 0) {
+                                        if (errno == EAGAIN)
+                                                stdin_readable = false;
+                                        else if (errno == EPIPE || errno == ECONNRESET)
+                                                k = 0;
+                                        else {
+                                                log_error("read(): %m");
+                                                goto finish;
+                                        }
+                                } else
+                                        in_buffer_full += (size_t) k;
+                                if (k == 0) {
+                                        stdin_rhup = true;
+                                        stdin_readable = false;
+                                        shutdown(STDIN_FILENO, SHUT_RD);
+                                        close_nointr_nofail(STDIN_FILENO);
+                                }
+                        }
+                        in_buffer_good = patch_in_buffer(in_buffer, &in_buffer_full);
+                        if (fd_writable && in_buffer_good > 0) {
+                                if ((k = write(fd, in_buffer, in_buffer_good)) < 0) {
+                                        if (errno == EAGAIN)
+                                                fd_writable = false;
+                                        else if (errno == EPIPE || errno == ECONNRESET) {
+                                                fd_whup = true;
+                                                fd_writable = false;
+                                                shutdown(fd, SHUT_WR);
+                                        } else {
+                                                log_error("write(): %m");
+                                                goto finish;
+                                        }
+                                } else {
+                                        assert(in_buffer_full >= (size_t) k);
+                                        memmove(in_buffer, in_buffer + k, in_buffer_full - k);
+                                        in_buffer_full -= k;
+                                }
+                        }
+                        if (fd_readable && out_buffer_full < BUFFER_SIZE) {
+                                if ((k = read(fd, out_buffer + out_buffer_full, BUFFER_SIZE - out_buffer_full)) < 0) {
+                                        if (errno == EAGAIN)
+                                                fd_readable = false;
+                                        else if (errno == EPIPE || errno == ECONNRESET)
+                                                k = 0;
+                                        else {
+                                                log_error("read(): %m");
+                                                goto finish;
+                                        }
+                                }  else
+                                        out_buffer_full += (size_t) k;
+                                if (k == 0) {
+                                        fd_rhup = true;
+                                        fd_readable = false;
+                                        shutdown(fd, SHUT_RD);
+                                }
+                        }
+                        if (stdout_writable && out_buffer_full > 0) {
+                                if ((k = write(STDOUT_FILENO, out_buffer, out_buffer_full)) < 0) {
+                                        if (errno == EAGAIN)
+                                                stdout_writable = false;
+                                        else if (errno == EPIPE || errno == ECONNRESET) {
+                                                stdout_whup = true;
+                                                stdout_writable = false;
+                                                shutdown(STDOUT_FILENO, SHUT_WR);
+                                                close_nointr(STDOUT_FILENO);
+                                        } else {
+                                                log_error("write(): %m");
+                                                goto finish;
+                                        }
+                                } else {
+                                        assert(out_buffer_full >= (size_t) k);
+                                        memmove(out_buffer, out_buffer + k, out_buffer_full - k);
+                                        out_buffer_full -= k;
+                                }
+                        }
+                }
+                if (stdin_rhup && in_buffer_full <= 0 && !fd_whup) {
+                        fd_whup = true;
+                        fd_writable = false;
+                        shutdown(fd, SHUT_WR);
+                }
+                if (fd_rhup && out_buffer_full <= 0 && !stdout_whup) {
+                        stdout_whup = true;
+                        stdout_writable = false;
+                        shutdown(STDOUT_FILENO, SHUT_WR);
+                        close_nointr(STDOUT_FILENO);
+                }
+        } while (!stdout_whup || !fd_whup);
+        r = EXIT_SUCCESS;
+        if (fd >= 0)
+                close_nointr_nofail(fd);
+        if (ep >= 0)
+                close_nointr_nofail(ep);
+        return r;

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