[systemd-commits] TODO

Lennart Poettering lennart at kemper.freedesktop.org
Tue Feb 26 17:28:01 PST 2013

 TODO |   51 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 50 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

New commits:
commit 3679d1126bae52e02f6cd60fca196f616b9e660d
Author: Lennart Poettering <lennart at poettering.net>
Date:   Wed Feb 27 02:24:10 2013 +0100

    update TODO, hackfest edition

diff --git a/TODO b/TODO
index 69e9b4d..54a93fd 100644
--- a/TODO
+++ b/TODO
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ Bugfixes:
 * suppress log output on shutdown when "quiet" is used
 Fedora 19:
 * make anaconda write timeout=0 for encrypted devices
 * make sure pkexec works fine with pam_systemd works fine with audit=0
@@ -51,9 +52,51 @@ Fedora 19:
 * convert /etc/bash_completion.d/ to /usr/share/bash-completion/
   (systemd (and everything else) should install zero static data in /etc)
+* tmpfiles: when traversing the tree, check for bind mount points with nametohandle()
+* fedora: connect the timer units of a service to the service via Also= in [Install], and maybe introduce timers.target
+* fedora: F20: go timer units all the way, leave cron.daily for cron
+* add a tool that lists active timer units plus their next elapstion and the time the units ran last
+* man: document the very specific env the shutdown drop-in tools live in
+* shutdown logging: store to EFI var, and store to USB stick?
+* man: extend runlevel(8) to mention that runlevels suck, and are dead. Maybe  add runlevel(7) with a note about that too
+* systemctl: maybe add "systemctl add-wants" or so...
+* man: add a link to socket activation blog from systemd.socket(5)
+* systemctl status: show drop-in snippets for service files in addition to service file path themesevles.
+* man: add more examples to man pages
+* man: maybe sort directives in man pages, and take sections from --help and apply them to man too
+* man: systemctl: clarify that -p applies to "systemctl show" only
+* add "# export SYSTEMD_PAGER=" to bash login
+* /usr/bin/service should actually show the new command line
+* fedora: suggest auto-restart on failure, but not on sucess and not on coredump. also, ask people to think about changing the start limit logic. Also point people to RestartPreventExitStatus=, SuccessExitStatus=
+* write UI tool that pops up emergency messages from the journal as notification
+* think about window-manager-run-as-user-service problem: exit 0 → activate shutdown.target; exit != 0 → restart service
+* msgcatalog determine default language of entries from the catalog
+  file name. i.e. foobar.de_DE.catalog would set the default entry
+  name for the entries to de_DE if they aren't explicitly suffixed
+  individually.
 * figure out what we do about hostnames/fqdn in hostnamectl/hostnamed
 * use "log level" rather than "log priority" everywhere
@@ -268,6 +311,8 @@ Features:
     interfaces to the container
   - nspawn: maybe add a way to drop additional caps, in addition to add additional caps
   - nspawn: maybe explicitly reset loginuid?
+  - nspawn: move all containers to name=systemd:/containers/, and introduce externally visible names for containers
+  - nspawn: make it work for dwalsh and shared /usr containers -- tmpfs mounts as command line parameters, selinux exec context
 * cryptsetup:
   - cryptsetup-generator: warn if the password files are world-readable
@@ -480,7 +525,11 @@ Features:
   - non-cgroup resource management
   - dynamic resource management with cgroups
   - refreshed, longer missions statement
-  - celendar time events
+  - calendar time events
+  - init=/bin/sh vs. "emergency" mode, vs. "rescue" mode, vs. "multi-user" mode, vs. "graphical" mode, and the debug shell
+  - how to create your own target
+  - instantiated apache, dovecot and so on
+  - hooking a script into various stages of shutdown/rearly booot
 * allow port=0 in .socket units

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