[systemd-commits] TODO

David Strauss straussd at kemper.freedesktop.org
Mon Oct 28 12:48:41 PDT 2013

 TODO |   12 +++++-------
 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit a427c13d26d08195f96679bde6753796f0e0b54a
Author: David Strauss <david at davidstrauss.net>
Date:   Mon Oct 28 12:48:39 2013 -0700

    Update socket proxy name in TODO. Reformat to list.

diff --git a/TODO b/TODO
index a3ea2f3..3a53b35 100644
--- a/TODO
+++ b/TODO
@@ -48,13 +48,11 @@ CGroup Rework Completion:
-* saproxy: Support multiple inherited sockets mapped using different proxies
-* saproxy: Use a nonblocking alternative to getaddrinfo
-* saproxy: Until we can start daemons directly, find a less ugly, less racy alternative than shell scripts for the second man page example.
-* saproxy: Support starting daemons directly without requiring a shell script; update man pages
+* socket-proxyd:
+  - Support multiple inherited sockets mapped using different proxies
+  - Use a nonblocking alternative to getaddrinfo
+  - Until we can start daemons directly, find a less ugly, less racy alternative than shell scripts for the second man page example.
+  - Support starting daemons directly without requiring a shell script; update man pages
 * "systemctl cat" or "systemctl view" command or or so, that cats the backing unit file of a service, plus its drop-ins and shows them in a pager

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