[systemd-devel] socket based activation for Python?

Lennart Poettering lennart at poettering.net
Wed Nov 10 14:34:26 PST 2010

On Sun, 07.11.10 14:19, Felix Schwarz (felix.schwarz at oss.schwarz.eu) wrote:

> Hi,


> If I understand the concept correctly, my daemon should use
> socket-based activation for the most efficient usage of systemd.
> However I did not find any reference how to do that in Python…
> To me it looks like sd-daemon and friends are only available for
> applications written in C.
> - Is that true?

Our reference implementation is C. However, it should be trivial to
implement this in pure Python, too. For a description of the algorithm
see the NOTES section of the sd_listen_fds() function call. Gustavo's
mail contains all the necessary hints how to reimplement that in proper
Python code.

> - Is there any project to provide systemd glue code to Python?

So far none I was aware of.


Lennart Poettering - Red Hat, Inc.

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