[systemd-devel] Forgot break in switch? (+ PATCH)

Matthias Schiffer mschiffer at universe-factory.net
Fri Oct 1 11:02:37 PDT 2010

 As I didn't get any comments on my last mail, I'm trying again, now
with a patch attached :-D

I don't know if this patch is correct or if there is any reason that
break is missing, but applying it fixes an assertion fail for me.
systemd hits the assertion in the default branch of the switch when I
have a failing timer unit and call daemon-reload.

On 09/29/2010 03:23 PM, Matthias Schiffer wrote:
>  Hi,
> the single semicolon in timer.c:433 (git ee95669) looks strange, was it
> meant to be a break?
> This causes systemd to crash at the assertion on my Arch system whenever
> I call daemon-reload (yes, I have some failing units, I haven't set up
> everything correctly for Arch yet; I think, this is connected to
> tmpwatch.timer, as I haven't installed tmpwatch). Putting a break there
> fixes this.
> Matthias
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