[systemd-devel] emergency vs. rescue

Lennart Poettering lennart at poettering.net
Tue Sep 7 09:53:29 PDT 2010

On Tue, 07.09.10 12:41, Bill Nottingham (notting at redhat.com) wrote:

> Lennart Poettering (lennart at poettering.net) said: 
> > And I hope this is not too confusing...
> It reads confusingly, in that if sysinit is 'Before' emergency, the
> implication would be that if you enable emergency mode, sysinit would be
> started before it. It isn't, as the dependency isn't there.

sysinit.target has a Conflicts with emergency.target.

> Two other emergency points:
> - it doesn't have the same sort of boot alias as 'single'. If you're
>   going for compat with old sysvinit, it should have an 'emergency' alias
>   (that leaves out systemd.unit=....)

Hmm, not sure I follow? This emergency mode didn't really exist in

Are you asking for a simpler way to boot into it? Simpler than passing
"systemd.unit=emergency.target" at the kernel cmdline?

> - respawn is pretty pointless here (as it is for rescue). It should
>   just have ExecStartPost=/bin/systemctl default

Hmm, you have a point there. I need to think about this.


Lennart Poettering - Red Hat, Inc.

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