[systemd-devel] ListenStream in an @.socket unit

Lennart Poettering lennart at poettering.net
Tue Apr 19 17:06:58 PDT 2011

On Tue, 05.04.11 08:23, Albert Strasheim (fullung at gmail.com) wrote:

> Hello all
> I have the following socket unit:
> [Unit]
> Description=unix sock
> [Socket]
> ListenStream=@foo/%i
> Backlog=128
> Service=foo@%i.service
> [Install]
> Alias=foo at dev1.socket
> Alias=sockets.target.wants/foo at dev1.socket
> Alias=foo at dev2.socket
> Alias=sockets.target.wants/foo at dev2.socket
> Alias=foo at dev3.socket
> Alias=sockets.target.wants/foo at dev3.socket
> so that I can configure a socket per device, where each device is
> handled by a separate service instance.
> However, ListenStream= doesn't seem to understand %i, because it
> listens on @foo/%i (no substitution), causing foo at dev2.socket and
> foo at dev3.socket to fail on startup.

Yupp. ListenFoo= currently doesn't do substitution right now. It
probably should. I added this to the TODO list now.

(Pacthes always welcome btw!)


Lennart Poettering - Red Hat, Inc.

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