[systemd-devel] Tomcat.service / PID aquiring

Josh Geisser josh at gebaschtel.ch
Tue Aug 2 22:46:25 PDT 2011

Hi there

We developt an own rc script a while ago for maintaining our tomcats. (mainly improved shutdown behaviour with eventual kill). 
The script takes start/Stopp/status as arguments, and identifies the right PID by a filtered 'ps'. It also keeps track of the tomcats pid in an own pid-file.

So far the ExecStart and ExecStop is clear, but is there something like ExecStatus? Or, is it possible that systemd reads the service-pid from a file generated by not himself?


Description=Atlassian Confluence Tomcat
Wants=network.target mysql.target

ExecStart=/home/confluence/rc.confluence start
ExecStop=/home/confluence/rc.confluence start


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