[systemd-devel] Unit failed to load: Cannot allocate memory.

Lennart Poettering lennart at poettering.net
Wed Aug 24 09:55:43 PDT 2011

On Wed, 24.08.11 21:40, Mike Kazantsev (mk.fraggod at gmail.com) wrote:

> > > Reexec reacts on these units right before "Deserializing state..." msg,
> > > with the same messages.
> > > I'll check whether they go away on reexec to 32 and reappear in 33, and
> > > if that's the case, will have results shortly.
> > 
> > Can you reproduce this issue when you run "systemd --test --system" as
> > normal user after boot?
> > 
> Yes, seem 100% reproducable that way. Same units, same errors.
> Looks like it can be (relatively) easily debugged with stuff like gdb
> now, I'll see if I can come up with conditional breakpoint for failed
> mallocs.
> Haven't really used gdb for anything but crash backtraces though, so any
> suggestions are welcome.

My recommendation would be to start gdb, then do "b strerror" which will
set a breakpoint on strerror() which we'll only call if there's
soemthing wrong. Then do "r" to run the app. You might have to skip over
a couple of strerror invocations with "c" until you find the one that
results in memory error. Use "n" to step over function calls, and "s" to
step into function calls. Use "l" to figure out where you are and "bt"
to get a backtrace. And that's gdb in a nutshell...


Lennart Poettering - Red Hat, Inc.

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