[systemd-devel] FC16 - how to get ExecStop= to be executed at shutdown?

Josh Geisser josh at gebaschtel.ch
Sun Dec 4 06:53:48 PST 2011

Hi all

I succeeded with auto login and auto start of my Virtual Boxes, but could not get them to do a proper shutdown. 

Because of the nature of the VM processes I want to send them a proper ACPI shutdown button instead of terminating the process, which is done through my old rc-script. 

The VirtualBoxes process are started AFTER X11 is up, but must also be shutdown BEFORE the display-manager is exited.  

How do I configure this in the service file?

My /lib/systemd/system/vbox.service:

Description=Virtual Box Machines
After=vboxdrv.service network.target display-manager.service

ExecStart=/home/vmuser/./rc.virtualboxes start | /usr/bin/logger
ExecStop=/home/vmuser/./rc.virtualboxes stop | /usr/bin/logger


Cheers & thx

ASG at hnet

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