[systemd-devel] Errors mounting vbox shares

Michael Biebl mbiebl at gmail.com
Thu Jan 6 19:01:13 PST 2011

I have the following line in /etc/fstab inside my VirtualBox test system:

vboxshare /share vboxsf noauto 0 0

vboxshare is a shared folder between my host and guest system which I
use for data exchange.
It requires the vboxsf kernel module to be loaded.

Running mount /share after login works perfectly.
If I switch noauto to auto, I get the following during boot:

/sbin/mount.vboxsf: invalid option -- 'f'
Usage: /sbin/mount.vboxsf [OPTIONS] NAME MOUNTPOINT
Mount the VirtualBox shared folder NAME from the host system to MOUNTPOINT.

  -w                    mount the shared folder writably (the default)
  -r                    mount the shared folder read-only
  -n                    do not create an mtab entry
  -o OPTION[,OPTION...] use the mount options specified

Available mount options are:
     rw                 mount writably (the default)
     ro                 mount read only
     uid=UID            set the default file owner user id to UID
     gid=GID            set the default file owner group id to GID
     ttl=TTL            set the "time to live" to TID for the dentry
     dmode=MODE         override the mode of all directories to (octal) MODE
     fmode=MODE         override the mode of all regular files to (octal) MODE
     umask=UMASK        set the umask to (octal) UMASK
     dmask=UMASK        set the umask applied to directories only
     fmask=UMASK        set the umask applied to regular files only
     iocharset CHARSET  use the character set CHARSET for I/O operations
                        (default set is utf8)
     convertcp CHARSET  convert the folder name from CHARSET to utf8

Less common used options:

The share is mounted after the boot, though.

I don't get this error message when booting with sysinit+the legacy
sysv fsck/mount init scripts.

What's going wrong here? Is mount.vboxsf to blame or systemd?


Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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