[systemd-devel] Mandriva messagebus problems at shutdown/reboot

Eugeni Dodonov eugeni at mandriva.com
Fri Jan 14 12:14:23 PST 2011

Hi all,

when playing with systemd by default on Mandriva (e.g., with
systemd-sysvinit installed and booting), we have faced a strange problem
when rebooting - the reboot process simple hanged and would not proceed.

After some investigation, I've found out that it is caused by the
systemd stopping our messagebus service (which is, well, dbus). So when
I went ahead and commented the killproc routine inside stop() of
messagebus, the rebooting and shutting down worked just fine.

I know that it is perhaps a simple newbie question, but is it something
that must be changed in our messagebus init script (attached), or some
systemd configuration which we could change to make it work?

I was thinking on relying on the result of 'systemctl is-active
reboot.service' to check whether the system is being rebooted and, if
so, do not stop messagebus, but it looks like a hack to me..


Eugeni Dodonov
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