[systemd-devel] hwclock

Lennart Poettering lennart at poettering.net
Mon Jan 24 13:35:21 PST 2011

On Sun, 23.01.11 00:01, Tom Gundersen (teg at jklm.no) wrote:

> Hi guys,
> Further to my previous mail about hwclock, I'm struggling to get my
> head around what is the "proper" way to handle hwclock's adjfile.
> These are my assumptions:
> /etc is in principle mounted read-only (not yet possible, but that's
> the goal, right?)

Yes, making it r/o except during system reconfiguration and package
installation/upgrade is my definite goal.

> /var is in principle not available during early boot
> the drift of the hardware clock is updated at regular intervals and
> cannot be on a read-only filesystem (but it is ok that we don't know
> the drift at early boot (is this true?))
> we need to know whether or not the hardware clock is in utc during
> early boot (is this actually required? if not, could someone point me
> to a discussion/documentation?)

Well, I think my personal opinion on this is that the way to keep the
RTC accurate is called "NTP", not necessarily "/etc/adjtime" . Or to
turn this around: if you really care about /etc/adjtime to keep the
clock accurate, then make / r/w.


Lennart Poettering - Red Hat, Inc.

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