[systemd-devel] MAINPID changing

Lennart Poettering lennart at poettering.net
Wed Jun 15 12:14:14 PDT 2011

On Sat, 28.05.11 20:06, Christian Parpart (trapni at gentoo.org) wrote:


> if the child process fully initialized, including inherited listener sockets, 
> it sends a SIGQUIT to the parent (still the MAINPID) to *gracefully* shutdown,
> which might be this instant or take a few minutes, just until all current 
> active requests have been fully processed.
> The still-MAINPID has exited now, and the child, our new MAINPID is now meant 
> to be the MAINPID. but how to dell systemd about that?
> *** I'd whish some kind of sd_notify("MAINPID=%d", getpid()) here, if ***

This is aleady available.


Lennart Poettering - Red Hat, Inc.

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