[systemd-devel] Can't enable or start a new service

Dave Sill de5-dated-1309025818.073465 at sws5.ornl.gov
Mon Jun 20 11:16:57 PDT 2011

I'm trying to set up a new service under Fedora 15. I've created the
following service unit file in /usr/local/etc/svscan.service:

Description=Daemontools svscan



Basically, I just want to run /usr/local/bin/svscanboot at startup and
rerun it if it dies.

I try to enable it with:

  systemctl enable /usr/local/etc/svscan.service

and I get:

  Unit name /usr/local/etc/svscan.service is not a valid unit name.
  Cannot install unit /usr/local/etc/svscan.service: Invalid argument

Obviously it's not expecting a pathname on the command line, so how am
I supposed to tell systemd that svscan.service is associated with

I think the end result of the enable would be to create a symlink, so
I manualy create one:

  ln -s /usr/local/etc/svscan.service /etc/systemd/system

And try to start it:

  systemctl start svscan.service

Which results in:

  Failed to issue method call: Unit svscan.service failed to load: No such file or directory. See system logs and 'systemctl status' for details.


  systemctl status


  Too few arguments.


  systemctl status svscan.service


	  Loaded: error
	  Active: inactive (dead)

Which tells me nothing useful, and nothing is logged in /var/log.

I've spent way too much time reading man pages and googling and not
getting anywhere.


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