[systemd-devel] Can't enable or start a new service

Lennart Poettering lennart at poettering.net
Tue Jun 21 03:35:03 PDT 2011

On Tue, 21.06.11 03:40, Sérgio Basto (sergio at serjux.com) wrote:

> > These units are referenced by other units (for example, because they
> > want to be ordered after or before them if both are installed), however
> > do not exist locally. That's why we cannot load them. To make this
> > less confusing and surprising we do not show these units
> > normally. However you disabled that hiding explicitly with "--all", and
> > hence see these units too.
> I'm interested in understand whats going on , so my question still, how
> I debug it ?

There is no need to debug it, because there is no bug.

> Continue with my example: 
> Failed to issue method call: Unit distcache.service failed to load: no
> such file bla bla , if was installed locally where should be ? 

No, look above what I wrote. These units are *not* installed locally,
and hence cannot be loaded. However they are referenced by some other
units, for the case when they are installed to order things properly.


Lennart Poettering - Red Hat, Inc.

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