[systemd-devel] How rpcbind.target is supposed to be pulled in?

Andrey Borzenkov arvidjaar at gmail.com
Wed Mar 2 21:22:45 PST 2011

User complained that with systemd nfs is never started. What actually
happens - it is started, but too early, before rpcbind. What happens

{pts/1}% grep Provides /etc/init.d/rpcbind
# Provides: $portmap
{pts/1}% grep Require /etc/init.d/nfs-common
# Required-Start:    $portmap
# Required-Stop:     $portmap

{pts/1}% systemctl --no-pager show -pmAfter -p Before -p Wants -p
WantedBy rpcbind.service
WantedBy=rpcbind.target multi-user.target graphical.target
Before=rpcbind.target pppoe.service shutdown.target multi-user.target

{pts/1}% systemctl --no-pager show -pmAfter -p Before -p Wants -p
WantedBy nfs-common.service
WantedBy=multi-user.target graphical.target
Before=nfs-server.service netfs.service pppoe.service shutdown.target
multi-user.target graphical.target

But nothing pulls in rpcbint.target ...

{pts/1}% systemctl --no-pager show -pmAfter -p Before -p Wants -p
WantedBy rpcbind.target
Before=netfs.service nfs-common.service

How is it supposed to be activated? May be, at least for legacy case
of SysV scripts systemd should automatically add rpcinfo.target to
transaction if it sees Provides: $portmap in any active service?

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